2 new kids| jeremy andretti

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i just moved to sacramento, california. it was honestly so hard to move and leave my hometown behind, leaving all my friends and old house. it had only been 2 weeks since i settled in, but school was the worst part about moving. i had no friends to talk to, and lunch was tormenting.

i was sitting all by myself at lunch, just hoping the bell would ring so i can go on to my next class. it was so hard to actually enjoy my food without feeling like i was being made fun of or laughed at.

i was eating my lunch until i hear someone set their lunch tray next to me, i looked up and see a boy, he was really attractive, tanned skin, puppy like eyes, fluffed out hair, lean figure. he had a faint smile on his face.

"hey, what's up." his jersey accent leaks through.

"oh hi." i scooted over to make some room for him.

"how come you're sitting alone?" he took a bite of his apple.

"well its cause, i'm new and i don't have new friends here, what about you?"

"well, me too. but hey at least we got one thing in common right?" he shrugged his shoulders. you look at him and smile at him.

"what's your name?"

"y/n. what's yours?"

"jeremy. y/n is a real pretty name." he replied.

"thank you." i smile cheekily and trying so hard to not blush.

"why don't you tell me about yourself y/n? what made you come down here to sacramento?"

"what made you come down to sarcamento jeremy?" i asked playfully.

me and jeremy talked for the entirety of lunch. we even walked together to my class, we were just going on about our lives, our interests and hobbies. for the first time, i was so excited to come to school the next day. the whole day all i could think about was jeremy, all i could think about was our interaction, and how he looked.

the bell rung for the last class of the day, and as i walked out my classroom, i saw jeremy standing outside. waiting for me. he walked up to me cheerfully.

"hey y/n, i've been meaning to ask you, do you wanna go out with me? we can go the movies or to a arcade?"

"yes i'll go out with you jeremy, who else am i gonna go with?" i chuckled.

he grinned softly, and subtly interlocked his hands with mine. he didn't and wouldn't let go until he walked me home.

a/n: my actual pookie is jeremy

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