but i love him dad!|frank della rocca

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a/n - this was requested! also it's my birthday today! and i'm feeling extra nice today!

me and my dad were bickering. like always. we keep arguing about the same thing over and over again. my dad won't allow me to date, even at my grown age, but he'd recently found about my secret boyfriend, frank della rocca.

"y/n, as long as you live under my roof, you do as i say!" my dad yelled at the top of his lungs.

"dad, i'm almost an adult! i can date who ever i want!"

"I don't care if you're 15, I don't care if you're 30! you are not gonna be dating anyone. and as for frank. i better not see him around." my dads eyes glared at me with anger.

"but dad-"

"no! i don't care, i'm not gonna let my daughter fool around with some bum! you know how many women get knocked up by those kinds of guys and they end up becoming single mothers?!"

"but dad, he's not like that!" he's different."

"different my ass." he scoffs.

i stormed off to my room angrily.

"you better go ahead and end things with that boy!" my dad yelled across the room. i shut my bedroom door loudly, and threw myself onto my bed and buried my face into the pillows and tears were falling down my face. i was so frustrated, i don't care if my dad won't listen to me, he isn't going stop me from seeing frank.

i turned over to my back, and reached over for my phone at my bed side table, i dialed in the numbers for frank's phone, sniffling and all. i held the phone up to my ear.

"frank speaking." his voice leaked through the phone.

"hey frank." i said in wobbly voice.

"oh hey y/n! what's wrong? you sound like you've been crying."

"i know, it's cause me and my dad were arguing again and he wants me to stop seeing you."

"oh." his voice went low.

"but i'm not gonna listen to him, i'm allowed to date whoever i want!" i refuted.

"baby, i got an idea, how about i try to approach him and call in a friendly way, maybe if i show him who i am, then maybe he'll at least tolerate me."

"wait, that maybe actually a good idea, that way you guys don't have to see each other and just talk to each other through the phone!" my face lit up from excitement.

"i'll give him a call, don't you worry about all this." his soothing voice calmed me down.

"alright, thank you so much baby, we'll be together soon."

"i know we will babe."

we hung up, and i laid in bed looking at the ceiling with pure excitement. i know frank can turn my dads head around.

frank was walking around his living room, trying to remember my home phone number. "729-yeah i think that's it." he said to himself quietly. "y/n, y/n, i want you to be my future wife, i won't disgrace ya. be my baby tonight." he cooed to himself as he held the ringing phone up to his ear.

"hello?" a man's voice responded.

frank gulped.

"hello, is this y/n's father?"

there was a brief pause for a moment.

"yes. who is this?" my dad questioned.

"sir, this is franks della rocca, i'm the guy your daughter is seeing." franks voice lost confidence.

before my dad could even muster up a response, frank uttered hesistantly.

"sir, i know that you don't let your daughter to date, but i want you to know that i'm a good man, and i'll do anything for your daughter and i love her with all my heart."franks voice was trying to not break.

there was another moment of silence between the both of them.

"hello sir?"

"I hear you son, listen, y/n is still my daughter and even though i don't like the idea of her dating, I guess i can give you a chance, you did a brave act by calling me, not many men like that showing that kind of chivalry." he spoke, and frank can even hear him smile through the phone.

"thank you sir, you won't regret it." frank said trying to contain himself.

"I better not."

a/n: this was a cool chapter to write!! i agree with the dad he does kinda look like a bum  😭

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a/n: this was a cool chapter to write!! i agree with the dad he does kinda look like a bum  😭

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