meeting you|ralph macchio

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i was walking with friends at the mall, we were enjoying our warm, sunny day together. we ate at the food court and bought ourselves ice cream as a dessert. the three of us we're walking around and looking at the mannequins, looking at the trendy style of today.

we went into one of the stores, browsing through the racks of clothing, i pulled out a baby pink long sleeve from the rack and showed it to my friends.

"wouldn't this look so cute on me?" i held it up while scanning it.

"yeah it's cute, but you know what else is cuter?" stacy said with a smirk on her face.


"look behind you" she jerked her head.

i looked behind me and i see this guy scanning through the men's section of the store, his eyes kept glancing at me and my friends while his hands were
rummaging through the racks. he was cute, he had tan skin, dark brown fluffy hair, glistening brown eyes. he was so handsome.

"oh shit he is cute." melissa turned back around.

"nah y/n, he was looking directly at you, i saw him." stacy said.

"can you stop? he probably has a girlfriend! either way there's NO way i am going up to him." i whined.

"if he had a girlfriend he would not look at you like that." stacy replied.

"she's right, but by the looks of it... he might come up to you" melissa slightly turned her head.

"oh well." i shrugged and continued scanning through.

about 20 mins pass by and me and my friends changed the conversation, there wasn't anything i could find besides that sweater. my legs we're getting tired of walking and standing all day, there was a bench right outside the store so i decided to wait there for my friends to finish their shopping.

"hey, i'm gonna wait for you guys out on the bench."

"alright, just hope that guy comes up to you." stacy chuckled.

i rolled my eyes and walked out the store and sat on the bench. i looked around my surroundings in my thoughts. until see the guy walk out the store with bag in hand. i try to look away and not make it seem it like i was staring at him. i feel him walking up closer and my heart is racing.

"hey, do you mind if i set next to you?"

i look back at him and we make eye contact for a second
"oh yeah sure!" i scooted aside.

his warm presence hits me, im trying so hard to not spaz out. thoughts racing through my head.

"so what yours name?" he turns his head to me

his voice startled me, i turned my head back at him.

"my name is y/n, what's yours?" i smiled.

"my name is ralph macchio.. hey how come you didn't buy anything?" he scanned me.

"oh, i didn't really find anything i liked. but it seems like you did buy something." i pointed at his bag.

"yeah it's just some t-shirt, are you waiting for your friends or something?" he asked.

"yeah, they're gonna be in there a while." we both chuckled.

there was a short pause before he talks again.

"you know, i was gonna come up to you."

my mind went blank, "really? why?"

" i don't know really, i think you're really beautiful and i just wanted to get to know you." his eyes look up at me.

i feel my face getting red, "well.. you know i found you really cute too..well, all my friends did haha"

"yeah..well i was only focusing on you."
"you have a number? so maybe we can call sometime?"

my heart explodes and butterflies start flying in my stomach.
i glanced at the entrance of the store and see my friends watching me and him from a corner laughing and smiling. i slightly laughed.

"sure, you got a note or paper i can write it on?" i pulled out a pen from my purse.

"yeah you can write it on the back of this receipt." he hands you the receipt and you write your number on the back side of the paper.

you handed him back the paper and smirked.

"don't lose it."

"I sure won't." he assured.

"well i gotta go, but are you gonna call me when you you get home?" i smiled

"we'll see." he slips the receipt into his pocket.

i get up and my friends finally come out the corner and follow right behind me.



"guys calm down, just know i gave him my number."

my friends squeal and made jokes about it along the way to the car.

a/n: HI🩵 ok bye um idk what to put here ✌🏼

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