practice|eugene martone

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it was getting late at night, i was up trying to get the hang of the song that we were learning in music class. eugene martone offered help on the music piece tonight. we were in his dormitory, i sat on his bed and he was sitting on a stool infront of me, practicing and practicing. it felt never ending and i was obviously tired. my fingers were stroking on the chords on my guitar slowly.

"no y/n, you gotta pick up the pace." he said as he demonstrated with his own guitar. it was so much more better sounding.

"alright." i nodded and took a deep breath and placed my fingers on the chords. i did as eugene told me, and he stopped me halfway.

"wait y/n, you gotta fix your posture." he got up from his chair and sat right behind me. he placed his hands on my lower back and adjusted my posture, then his fingers positioned on my fingers, they guided mine and i just let him take over.

"yeah, just like that. it's real easy." he let go of my hands and turned to me.

"yeah it's easy for you to say, you're the best one in our class." i said in a bitter tone. i set my guitar right next to me on the floor.

"why can't i get this right? should i just drop the class eugene?"

"no, no y/n, you just need some practice that's all." he picked up my guitar from the floor and placed on my lap. i sighed and positioned my guitar again, he helped place my fingers and straightened my posture again.

"alright, let's do it again." he says cheeringly.

this time i actually did put in the effort, even though he was mostly guided me, i still payed attention to the little details. as i was playing, his face got closer and closer to my neck. i could feel his light breathing on my neck and it made it a tad bit harder to pay attention. i gulped and tried to keep my head in the right track. we finally finished the music piece, and i actually thought i did better with the help of eugene.

"see, now was that so hard y/n?" he gibed.

"no, i guess not, but i would like a bit more practice. y'know, to fully understand the music." i crooned.

"yeah sure! the more practice the better." he got back into his place. his fingers met with mine again, and i adjusted my posture. we played the song piece again and during the song, i scooted myself up closer to eugene and moved my head closer to his.

his eyes travelled back to me, i looked back at him amorously. we slowly stopped playing and kept eye contact for a brief moment until our faces leaned in closer. our lips greet eachother and touch lovingly. i set my guitar on the floor mindlessly while keeping the contact between our lips.

gradually, the pace was accelerating. eugene leaned back on the bed, his hands behind him. i shifted my place and sat between his lap. his hands slid to my back, straddling me. our breaths shuddered, our tongues were exploring our mouths, my hand reached over to cup his face. eugene gently pulled away and looked at me provocatively.

"we should keep practicing a lot more." he grinned softly.


a/n: EUGENE MARTONE IS SO FINEE!! I was so jealous of francesca :3

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