kitty| dominic

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the day was scorching hot, dominic could feel himself heat up, sweat accumulating from his forehead from squatting under cars and searching high and low for his cat.

dominic uttered a series of quiet of curse words as he tip toed through the front yard garden of your house. quietly shouting out his wife's missing cats name.

his eyes scanning the bushes for any signs of leonard. he'd been on a frantic search ever since his wife, connie forced him to go looking out for him.

his eyes squeezes together shut as he kept accidentally smashing the innocent little daisy's below him, he kept muttering apologies under his breath, his heart pounding. fearing the wrath of the person if they caught him.

as he crouched near a rose bush, a stern voice interrupted his concentration.

"why are you crouched all over my garden?"

dominic jumped, turning over to see you with a confused look and your arms crossed on your porch.

your gaze softened as you took on his disheveled appearance.

"i- i'm sorry, i'm looking for my cat! he got lost, i'm so sorry." he stammered.

your expression shifted to a more sympathetic demeanour. "oh, i see." you spoke. "what did he look like?"

"all black cat, medium sized i guess you can say?" he said wearily.

a slow smile formed on your face, you could see the exhaustion on his face, damp with sweat. almost feeling sorry for the guy.

"hey, it's pretty hot outside, do you want a cup of lemonade? i just made some." you gestured the inside of your home with your index finger.

"yes please ma'am, i'm dying over there." he stepped off the grass and made his way to the porch steps.

"just come inside." you chuckled softly, turning away as you walked through the open door.

dominic trailed behind you, fatigue nearly getting the better of him.

the cool air of your home enveloped him, providing a soothing contrast to the outside heat. dominic sighed with relief as he looked around your home, admiring the detail and decoration of your home. so nice and pretty, he thought.

he observed you in the kitchen, preparing two glasses of homemade lemonade.

you sensed his eyes on you, you glanced back at him while pouring the lemonade into the glass cups.

"you can sit down if you want."

"oh- yeah sure." your voice broke his gaze.

he eased himself onto the couch, he tilted his head slightly, allowing his gaze to wander the assortment of decorative objects on your walls. he fumbled with his hands on his lap.

his focus shifted as soon as he caught the sight of you  entering your living room, carrying two glasses in your hands. you approached him and handed him his cup.

"so, what's your name?" you asked.

"dominic, what's yours? ." he responds, as he savoured a sip from his drink.


"this lemonade is really good." he tilted his cup

"thank you— do you live with anyone?"

"no, just me and my cat."

a gentle laughter escape you.

"what about you? do you live with someone?"

"no, i live alone." you shook your head. you sank into the plush cushions of the couch, your gaze lifted to explore his features. with the sweat no longer dampening his features, you found yourself realizing how attractive he really was.

raising the glass to his lips more, he continued drinking his lemonade, letting the cool liquid ease his exhaustion.

dominic settled into the comfort of your home as the two of you chatted for a while. it was remarkable how, despite being living so close, you had never crossed paths before.

"it was nice getting to know you, y/n. but i gotta keep looking for my cat." he rose up from the couch, prompting you to do the same. a faint look of disappointment emerged on your face.

"so soon? we were getting along so well." you accepted the empty glass from his hand.

"i know, i know, i'm sorry. but maybe another day i can stop by for another glass of lemonade." he hinted.

"of course." your lips curved into a grin.

he headed to the door, pulling it open as you followed. stepping outside, he turned back to you.

"thank you for the drink— i'll probably come over again." he rambled.

"no problem, i hope you do." you leaned against the doorway.

smiling warmly, he nodded gently at you before turning back and walking down the porch steps.

you watched him intently, leaning on the door way, already missing his company.

a/n: let's just pretend connie doesn't exist in this 😝

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