back home| billy gambini

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billy and stan we're proved innocent. a weight was lifted off their shoulders and mine as well. i mean what was i was gonna do if my boyfriend was convicted of a murder he didn't commit?

when bill came back home, he took me into his arms and i just dissolved into his touch. i didn't wanna let go and neither did he.

i've spent so many nights and him not there by my side, his side of bed became so cold and empty and all i could think about was bill, his presence was so warming. i couldn't sleep some nights without thinking "what if they pronounce him guilty?"
"will i ever see him again?"

once i got the news that he was pronounced innocent, that tangled feeling in my stomach finally unraveled. i felt my chest get lighter and a relieved feeling soothed over my body completely.

i waited anxiously in the living room, every passing second felt like an eternity. i paced back and forth, my eyes darting to the window and each glance, hoping to catch a glimpse of billy's familiar figure.

as billy crossed the threshold and enters the house. i saw his beaming smile, then a wave. of familiarity washed over me.

he held his arms out, beckoning me to him.

i enveloped myself into him. i took in his familiar musk. my head nuzzled into his warm chest. his hands snaked to the back of my neck, his fingers entwined with my hair.

his hands cradled my face, making me look directly at him.

"i missed you so much." bill's voice said tenderly.

"i'm so glad you're back home, you have no idea how much i wanted you to come back." my reply was gentle, like the whisper of a breeze on a quiet evening.

as it drawn by an irresistible force, billy's lips pressed against mine in a brief but fervent embrace, leaving an imprint of passion that lingered when he pulled away.

it was the finally the first night i didn't sleep by myself. it didn't feel lonely or cold anymore. me and billy still clanged onto eachother, i haven't let him go ever since he stepped through the door.

each night without his touch only left me yearning for more. i couldn't bare nights without him there.

tonight, i couldn't sleep, i was so overwhelmed with happiness and relief that i simply could not sleep.

billy and i lingered awake, our shared solitude extending into the late hours, as we delved into the events that happened during our time apart. until the weight of exhaustion began tug at billy's consciousness. his eyelids grew heavy, gradually succumbing to the gentle pull of slumber.

as the night wore on, i found myself pleasantly surprised by the lack of drowsiness creeping in; instead, billy draped an arm around me, drawing me snugly against his chest. glancing upwards, i couldn't help but admire the delicate play of moonlight on his features, casting a gentle glow upon his face.

wth a gentle movement, i extended my hand, fingers tracing the contours of his face until they found the warmth of his forehead. leaning in, i pressed my lips tenderly against his skin, leaving a soft imprint of affection upon his brow.

a/n: ralph was so finneeeee in this movie i'm pregnant now

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