dating johnny cade

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- he's very vulnerable with you, he's very comfortable with telling you all of his problems and his feelings

- he's very timid when walking with you, especially when you two are alone, he's very alert. he doesn't want you or himself getting hurt

- the whole gang thinks you have him under a spell the way that johnny is somehow always mentioning and talking about you

- he dreams of getting away with you, moving out of tulsa and just being with you

- he always goes out looking for you, you're always on his mind

-he pretty much stays with you 24/7 since you made him stop sleeping at the lot

-the gang is happy for johnny that he found someone that makes him feel loved

-you make him feel special, you are his motivation to get up and move forward

-you guys share cigarettes with each other

-he's always defending you, he would never let anyone talk bad about you

-always walking, hand in hand at night

-if you two argue, he apologies first. he can't ever stay mad at you

-he's definitely very shy and jumpy, but not innocent

-you love running through his greasy hair, although it feels weird, he loves it when you do it

-he compliments you on everything! he notices when you change something about yourself, even if it's something small

-he compliments you on everything! he notices when you change something about yourself, even if it's something small

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a/n: i hope u enjoy 💌

please comment down any ideas or any character i should do!

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