dont be cruel| johnny cade

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in tulsa, the divide between greasers and socs was as clear as the town line

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in tulsa, the divide between greasers and socs was as clear as the town line. arianna was a soc, with her preppy clothes and polished looks, then there was johnny, with his greased, slicked down hair, side by side with dallas winston. she made it pretty obvious she wasn't very fond them, and they weren't so crazy about her either.

arianna didn't like any of them, she hated how they barged in everywhere and disrupted everyone's peace. the smoke from their cigarettes and foul mouths filled up every room they came in to.

her eyes blazed with an unmistakable fury as she glanced their way, and hoped someone would tell them to get out or something. she even hated the fact they breathed the same air. johnny would pass by her and reciprocate that very same stare, johnny couldn't stand arianna either. he couldn't remember the last time he hated a soc so much, or anyone for that matter. he didn't like socs at all. he thought they were all the same, high and mighty and superior snobs.

the neon lights of the diner flickered on and off against the rain-streaked windows, but the bustling interior made it feel like it was a hot summer day.

arianna sat with her friends, their laughter and chatter about who's cuter? paul mccartney or george  harrison? boys from school and all those girly girl things grew on as they sipped on their vanilla milkshakes, the aroma of hot frying oil and the sweetness of vanilla and chocolate crossed the diner, as the girls swung their feet under the table back and forth.

abruptly, the diner door swung open, catching arianna off guard. her gaze lifted to see, her smile and her laughter died down as she saw dallas winston and johnny cade walk in the diner. both semi-wet from the light rain coming down from outside.

an easily seen glower curved on her lips. dallas didn't even glance at her, johnny looked around the diner until his eyes fell on arianna, she caught his glance and quickly looked away. her friends turned their heads slightly to look at them, they turned back slowly with a bewildered expression on their face.

"looks like they let dallas out again." marcia uttered in a low voice.

"he'll be back in the cooler in no time." she muttered as she was stirring her milkshakes with her straw.

the two boys walked down and sat on very last booth at the opposite side of the diner. the weary and irritated waitress approached their booth.

"i hope they leave soon, i can't stand being in the same room as them." arianna grumbled irritably under her breath.

"i don't get why you're so cruel to them, i get dallas, he's a hood, but that other boy doesn't seem so bad."    sherri valance spoke.

"yeah he's all quiet now but really he's just like the rest of em'."

ariana's friends exchanged wary glances and aware of the tension. for the rest of the evening, they stayed on the opposite sides of diner. silently seething each others presence. they could hear dallas faintly ordering relentlessly from the other end of the diner.

as the hours passed, arianna's friends left one by one, their boyfriends came to pick them up in their ford mustangs and stingrays. arianna found sitting by herself, staring out on the angry storm and hoping the rain would let up but only growing more stronger. she fiddled with the straw in her empty milkshake glass.

in defeat, she stepped outside into the cold rain. the cold droplets of water already soaking her baby blue swing skirt and matching blouse. icy droplets of rain ran down her face, all she could think is how is she going to get home. the streets were nearly deserted, the distant rumble of thunder was only increasing her nerves. she stood outside of the diner, hugging herself tightly.

unexpectedly, dallas and johnny emerged from the diner. arianna turned her head back as she heard the chime of the door opening. filled with embarrassment, she promptly turned her head to avoid making eye contact. she could overhear dallas say something to johnny before going separate ways.

before johnny left the diner, he caught arianna standing there, alone and shivering and something in his chest tightened. she looked so different from the confident and disdainful girl he's used to. she looked so vulnerable and fragile. he knows he shouldn't care, he knows that she hates him and he hates her, but he can't walk away.

he hesitated, the internal struggle clear on his face. then, with a sigh. he approached her, "hey, you need some help?"

he shrugged off his jean jacket, she looked up, surprised and wary as he draped his jacket on her shoulders. she could feel the warmth of the worn denim.

"you gonna catch a cold out here."

"oh, thanks. i have to get home though." ariannas eyes still wide with surprise, her voice was barely audible. everything in her would toss his jacket back to him and walk away from him, but she didn't. she didn't know why. almost like her feet were planted on the ground and couldn't move.

"you live far?" johnny asked.

"i live on the west side."

"sorry, i can't walk you there." johnny's words were tinged with disappointment.

"wasn't expecting you to anyway."

they stood there for a moment, letting the rain wash over the animosity. for the first time, they didn't see eachother as soc and greaser. but as two regular people. the hostility slowly washed away.

"let's get out of the rain." johnny's tone was softer, almost tentative.

arianna nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips despite the cold chill, "okay."

as they walked together in silence, so many confusing emotions swirled around them, they didn't know if what they were doing was good or bad. they didn't know how to feel about any of this. johnny was stealing quick glances from arianna, looking at her lightly sodden face, he couldn't stop glancing at her. looking at her, he realized how pretty she is.

"why are you doing this?" arianna interrupted johnnys thoughts.


"i thought you didn't like me."

"i thought you didn't like me either."

her eyes turned to his, her eyes were remorseful.

"i'm sorry if i ever offended you in the past, but thank you for helping me." arianna said wistfully.

"it's alright, i'm sorry for thinkin' you socs were all the same."

"you know i never thought i'd be wearing a greasers jacket." arianna said with a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

"and i never thought i'd be walkin' in the rain with a soc." he replied.

their eyes locked in as they kept walking. arianna felt a surge of courage welling up inside her, before she could stop herself. she leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to johnny's cheek. a knowing smile crept on their faces.

a/n: johnny COULD never hate anyone. i love you johnny cade.

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