cigarettes|johnny cade

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i was sitting on bench, in the dead night. my boyfriend had just broken up with me, i felt all bitter and sad. i stole some cigarettes from my parents drawer and drowned out everything and stared into the darkness of the street while smoking away the stolen cigarettes.

all i could think about is my ex boyfriend, all the memories we had and the time we've spent together. my heart as aching. as i was in my head, i saw from the corner of the eye i see a boy, in jeans and a jean jacket with dirty chuck taylor's. he had his hands in his pockets and he was looking down.

i continued nonetheless until i feel someone come up beside me.

"hey do you have an extra one?"

i look up next to me, and i see this greased up boy, he was all scuffed up.

"yeah, here you go." i hand him a cigarette, and walks over and sits next to me, i hand him over the light.

"thanks." he said with the cigarette in his mouth. he lit his cigarette and took a puff.

"so what are you doing out here so late, you should be getting home." he took the cigarette out his mouth.

"i should be asking you that too, do your parents know you're gone?" i turn to his direction, making eye contact with him.

"i don't really wanna be at home right now, i got some stuff going on." he smacked his lips.

i was just at end of my cigarette, i dropped it in the floor and smashed it with my heel. i just kept my head down, just looking at the floor and suddenly memories of me and ex boyfriend came up. i could feel myself tearing up again.

"why are you crying?"

"oh, nothing, my boyfriend broke up with me. that's all." i jerked my head up looking at him again.

"aw damn, he must be a real dumbass for breaking up with a pretty girl like you." he smiled faintly as he held eye contact

that made me smile and feel warm inside.

"thank you... what's your name?" i asked.

"my name is johnny cade... what about you?"

"my name is y/n."

he was at the end of his stick and dropped and it smashed it with his foot. i take a good look at him and ask, "are you like a greaser?"

"yeah i'm a greaser, i'm in a gang." he replied softly.

"you're awfully sweet to be a gang." we both chuckled.

"say, it's getting really late. do you want me to walk to home?"

"yeah sure, let's go."

we got up from the bench, and started making our way to my house."

"are you cold y/n? because i can give you my jacket."

i nodded and he placed his jean jacket over my shoulders. me and johnny talked all the way to my house, we made jokes, talked about ourselves, our lives and go to know each other, he definitely wasn't like every other greaser.

we made it to my house, and we stopped at my front porch.

"thank you for making my night johnny, it was real nice meeting you."

"yeah well you made my night too y/n, i liked meeting you too."

"hey, do you maybe wanna come by and we can walk and talk and smoke another cigarette?" i asked shyly.

"yeah! sure, i'll pass by tomorrow." he replied excitedly.

i took his jacket off my shoulders but before i could give it to him he stops me.

"no,no you keep it i'll come by and get it back tomorrow."

i stepped closer to him, my head leaning towards his face and i gave him a small kiss on his cheek. i stepped back and saw his face light up, i turned around and snuck back in my house through my back porch.

a/n: if only i could rewatch the outsiders again for the first time <\3

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