study buddies| jack lambert

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i was studying with my study buddy jack lambert, we took turns on who's house we study at and today was his turn. we were sitting next to each other at his dining table, studying for the upcoming calculus exam,jack usually guided me through the work since he's the smart one.

"so jack are you excited for graduation? it's in a few weeks." i asked while writing down notes on my paper.

"yeah, i guess i am." he replied disinterestedly.

"is there something wrong? why do you sound upset?" i look up.

"well, the thing is my father won't be there, all of my friends dad will be there seeing them graduate but not mine." he says unhappily.

i placed my hand on his back, giving him a light pat, "you'll have your mom, you'll have me and other family members seeing you graduate!" i say trying to cheer him up.

"yeah, but i want a male figure to tell me that he's proud, i don't know..i'm not too excited about graduating." he shrugs his shoulders and went back to writing.

i pull my hand back from his back, "well, at least you'll graduate at the top of your class AND ending with a 4.0 gpa." i emphasized the and.

jack chuckles, "you're too kind, y/n you're so good to me."

"no! you're too good for me, you're the reason i'm even passing calculus anyway."

"you always find a way to make me feel better about my dad, i know i talk about him a lot." he said in a mellowly tone.

"and its okay, he is your dad and it's normal that you have all these feelings." i replied softly.

we look into each others eyes for a moment,

"another thing i like about you is that you're very pretty." he broke the silence. i could feel my face turning red and getting hot. and i felt feelings that i never felt with jack, at this point, we couldn't break the eye contact. we slowly moved in closer and closer. our faces were inches apart. our lips softly fondle, then the pace started picking up, our lips started to adjust quicker and faster.

he slithered his hands around my back, pulling me closer to the point our chests were touching, i placed my hands on the back of his head, gently gripping on his hair, his hands slink to my hips and gripping them tightly. it felt so good i could feel a sensation in my lower stomach. our lips were still brushing up against eachother with the same intensity. i wanted to keep going, but suddenly he pulled back.

he looked at me out of breath, "i'm so sorry y/n, that was inappropriate, i shouldn't put my hands on you like that." he apologized profusely.

"calm down, it's fine.. i liked it anyway."

he raised his eyebrows in shock, "so do you want to continue studying?"

"nah, i liked what we were doing way better."

a/n: i hope y'all like this jack lambert imagine 😛, the movie was so sad tho, also my birthday is in 3 days i'm so excited 😆🎂

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