soccer game| daniel larusso

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it was game day at west valley, im not a big fan of soccer i was only intending to go to see my crush, daniel larusso. he's been my crush for a while now, although i never talked to him before, i still see him everywhere. we've exchanged glances but that was all. and i thought this was a good opportunity to go up to him.

it was about 5pm and i walked to the soccer field and sat in the front bleachers, the boys were warming up and stretching before the game. i was trying to scout out for daniel.

my eyes finally catched him and i was really focusing on him, noticing all his little details about him and realizing how really attractive he was, he was stretching his arms then his legs.

i snapped out of my own trance as soon as the coach blew his whistle, the game started with a kick off and the boys ran towards the ball. i was focusing on the game while still focusing on daniel. the ball was getting passed around which got passed to daniel who was at opposing goal, he made one in.

the audience, including myself, got up and started cheering and clapping. daniel turned around to the audience and smiled, his eyes targeted me and smiled, i looked away immediately and sat down.
the game continued on and our team seem to be winning, while the game was still playing me and daniel kept looking at eachother and smiling. i took it as a sign, the coach had blew his whistle, the 1st match ended and it was break time. i patiently waited for the 2nd match to begin, i talked to the people beside me about the game as i was still keeping my eye on daniel.

i saw that daniel was talking to one of teammates and they turn around to the audience, they were both talking while looking at me. daniel had a light smile on his face when he faced me.

his teammate said something that caused daniel to chuckle and playfully push him. the coach blew his whistle again and the 2nd match began. my eyes never left daniel, gazing at his every swift move.

finally the game ended, we won by 4 points, the crowd was cheering and hooraying for the team. the boys were hyped and cheering for themselves. everyone on the bleachers got up and left the field. i waited for everyone to leave so i can approach daniel more calmly.

the boys were all getting ready to leave and got their backpacks ready to leave. i got up from the bleachers and walked towards where daniel was standing.

"hey that was a pretty good game."

he looked up to me and plastered a small smile on his face.

"yeah it was, i can tell you really liked it. i saw you smile." he smirked.

"you're a good player, i kept my eyes on you." i said flirtishly.

"thank you, you gotta a name?" he swung his backpack over his shoulder.

"y/n, yours is daniel right?" i say trying to play dumb.

"yeah.. how'd you guess?" he raised his brow.

"well i see you around sometimes so.. you know."my voice was fading word by word.
his smile was spreading across his face and looked at me with a soft expression.

"say y/n, you wanna come down with me and grab a bite?" he asked.

"right now? you're a soaking mess, you're sweating all over the place." i chuckled playfully.

"who cares, let's go!" he shrugged his shoulders and took my hand and we walked speedily out the field. our hands interlinked as we walked off to the nearest small diner.

a/n:hiiii sorry i've been so busy lately i haven't gotten time to focus ralph 😋

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a/n:hiiii sorry i've been so busy lately i haven't gotten time to focus ralph 😋

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