i cant help it| jeremy andretti

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"come on nancy! i just want to get to know your friend

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"come on nancy! i just want to get to know your friend." jeremy trailed after nancy, speaking a desperate tone.

nancy, tired of jeremy's sad attempts of trying to get with her friend, you. she rolled her eyes and turned around to jeremy sharply.

"listen here jeremy, she's my friend and i don't want you to make her feel uncomfortable!." her index finger aimed at jeremy, her words slicing through the air.

"she's gonna stay here for the night but don't even think about trying anything!"

jermey's hands rose up, with a surrendering expression.

"i promise i won't, but just let me get to know her, is that so bad?"

at this point nancy didn't even bother replying, her eyes rolled in annoyance as she walked away.

you were a good friend of nancy's, she'd invite you to her house for dinner a few times before jeremy moved in, the whole family was familiar with you and saw you as an addition to the family.

but when jeremy settled in with the bradford's, you were unaware of his existence until nancy invited you. entering her house usually, not expecting him.

as he passed you, his gaze fixated on you, nancy introduced him as new member of the family. that was your very first interaction with him and the last. all you could think about was "who was he?" "where did he come from?"

that small interaction still lingers in your mind, you couldn't him out of your mind and he couldn't get you out of his.

after sharing dinner with the bradford's, you offered assistance to abby and the other girls in tidying up the table and cleaning up the dishes.

jeremy peered out from the entryway to the kitchen, he glanced at you for a few seconds, laughing and talking with the girls while scrubbing the plates. he approached you and the girls with something on his mind.

"hey why don't i show our guest where she's gonna be staying?" with a look of innocence, he asked. you turned your gaze to him, your heart almost jumping out of your chest.

"yeah, that's a good idea! y/n, go on with him, we'll finish up here." abby replied happily.

you acknowledge with a nod and followed jeremy as he left the kitchen. the girls turned back to the sink.

"when he is ever nice?" elizabeth teased, eliciting soft chuckles from the girls.

jeremy led you into the little parlor they had, it was spacious enough for you. jeremy was kind enough to carry your bag, and gently set it on the floor next to where you'll be sleeping.

you lowered yourself on the couch, your hands landed in your lap.

"thank you jeremy, you really didn't need to do this. i already know my way around the house." your subdued voice spoke.

"i know, but i just wanted to do somethin' nice, y'know. no sweat!"

jeremy approached you and eased himself on the couch, his gaze meeting yours with a hint of a smile.

"so, how long have you been living with the bradford's?" you asked.

"only a couple months, this place is out of it, there's too much bradford's here if you ask me."

"they're nice people! i'm sure they are not that bad." you snickered.

"yeah well, you don't have to spend every waking second with them." he said jokingly.

he had a a way of being funny without trying, his quick comebacks and replies always caught you off guard. throughout dinner, you struggled to stifle your laughter as he playfully bantered with tommy at the table.

"you're real funny jeremy, i like you." your voice dripped with flirtatiousness.

"yeah i like you too, y'know, ever since i saw you i haven't stopped thinking about you." jeremy murmured.

"do you say that to every girl that comes over?" you playfully taunted, your eyes sparkling.

"no, i don't even think of any other girls besides you."

jeremy shifted his position, moving closer until his thigh touched your. his eyes, locked on yours, were a blend of softness and tenderness.

slowly, he leaned in, his hand gently cupped your cheek. his breath mingled with yours. his lips hovered just a fraction away. allowing you to feel the warmth of his breath before he finally closed the gap.

his lips met yours in a deep, passionate kiss. his mouth moving slowly and deliberately against yours. his hand found its way to your waist, firmly gripping your side. your hands reached his shoulders, then slithered to his cheek.

as the kiss persisted , his lips were parting away from yours with a slow, lingering motion. his gaze remained locked with yours. a soft smile played on his lips.

"now don't go tellin' nancy about this, she'll kill me."

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