I had always found brown eyes the most beautiful.
The color of fall leaves, pond rocks, a summer sunset on the sand. Your brown eyes though were different. They weren't pretty not the way I was use to them being.
In your eyes I found visions of the future. In your eyes I saw a weeding, a big house filled with laughter, a life worth living. Looking into your eyes was like watching the golden lighting in the sky during thunderstorms. The color of deep rooted branches to the strongest trees. Supernovas exploding in the sky a spark in usual darkness. Your eyes were the color of the sparks flying off of a sword in the hands of a blacksmith.Your eyes made me feel oh so alive again, how could eyes so beautiful find beauty in mine. Dull ocean blue meeting bright lively amber. Our eyes connect like a sunset crashing into a blue sky, reaching out to blend together in new colors of purple and yellow. I have always found brown eyes the most beautiful but none will ever compare to yours.