Zues Pov
"Counsel how does the defendant plee?" The judge ask skipping through papers.
"Not guilty your honour." My lawyer replies.
The judge looks at us both before removing his glass.
"Counsel there is eyewitnesses and surveillance footage that shows your client pull out a concealed weapon to shoot a female. I can say by looking at the footage that if the security did not interfere then that young lady would be dead."
I look around the court room and no one is present for me. Just me and my lawyer.
For the past two weeks I have not heard a thing from Zander or Talia. I don't know if they are okay or what's happening.
"Sentencing will be in two days. Court adjourned."
I look at my lawyer confused because I didn't hear anything that was discussed in this courtroom.
I'm placed back in my cell that I share with one other person.
"Yow you have a phone call follow me."
I look up and it's one of the security guards. I walk behind him to a secluded room and given a cell phone before being left alone.
I place the phone to my ears.
"Hello." I answer.
"Everyone is good."
"How's Talia?" I whisper.
"Few cuts and bruise. A car will pick you up two days from today and Zues look out for detective Derby."
"Crypto....yow" the call ends and I'm left standing in the dark room until the guard returns.
"Given careful consideration and the fact that there is no evidence weather ballistics or video footage of the incident. Mr Ezekiel you are free to go. I do encourage you to be mindful going forward."
There is an uproar in the courthouse and detective Derby is looking at me with a mean mug. The officers of the court room has to step forward and the judge leaves.
I smile and thank my lawyer before walking out.
Just as Crypto said there is a black car on the other side of the courthouse waiting for me.
I open the door and enter the car.
"Boss me......."
"Lock chat. Kay is dead."
He has a look on his face before the car moves off.
"Them go know seh a you now?" I ask him.
I exit the shower feeling fresh and like myself again. Hated in the cell and what it smelt like.
My phone rings and it's DaDa calling. I ignore the call and as soon as it stops I dial Talia's number.
She answer on the first ring.
"Hey." I answer to start the conversation.
"Ezekiel I want you to stay away from me. Don't call or text me. Whatever we had going on is finish."
"What the fuck you mean by that?"
"It means we don't have shit to discuss. I know you been fucking the bitch that almost blinded me and left me with all sorts of cuts. Stay the fuck away from me"
"Talia please don't do this please. Baby I'm sorry, it's just because we wasn't sexual until this year..." I plead.
"You could have stopped messing with her the moment I gave you my virginity but no you continued. I hate you so fucking much."

General Fiction"Saffire if you think you bad do it." I look at him and he is dead serious but so am I. I warned him but ofcourse he didn't listen now we are both in this situation.