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If you're triggered by this i suggest to scroll (slowly) until you see "checkpoint".

A boy was forced to kneel in a box filled with screws. Loud cries and screams hallering through the room as the boy was hit over and over again.

"A-appa, p-please stop!" He yelled in pain but his father only chuckled. The man growled and started hitting his son harder.

"Why would I?" He scoffed as he hit the boy's ass with the paddle in his hand. The boy whimpered as he fell on all fours, his ass now in full view. He heard his dad whistle.

"What a nice ass." The man cooed and walked over to his son, kicking him completely to the floor as he kneeled down behind him. His hands slid under the boys pants, ripping it down. The boy shook his head desperately.

"What! Just give me some off your ass and we'll be done. Or do you want me to be rough?" The man scoffed as he threathened him.

"N-no please." The boy still didn't accept, trying to squirm away.

"You annoying boy." His dad said pulling off his underwear but the boy suddenly screamed and hit his hands everywhere. He started pushing his dad in anger, not being able to control it.

"What the fuck." His dad yelled and tried to keep him down but the boy was stronger than he thought and got away from him. He ran to the kitchen and grabbed 2 knifes, holding them shakily.

"Stay away!" He yelled. There was only rage flowing in the 9 year old boy's body. His dad looked shocked, scared. Was his kid a psycho? He quickly regained his senses.

"Put the fucking knife down or you'll get it!" His dad stormed at the boy. He kicked the boys knees and pinned him down again, hitting his face over and over again. The boy scratched his dad's face and hit him roughly over and over again as he screamed and cut his dad's arm. The man looked at him with an angry smirk.

"You fucking slut! Oh, I'll show you a real lesson this time." His dad smirked and roughly picked the boy up, ignoring his struggling. He threw the boy across the room. The kid yelled in pain as he landed in the box filled with screws. Luckily, none actually went in his skin.

"You bastard! Go to hell fucking motherfucker! I'm going to kill you!" The boy yelled as he grabbed the knifes again and threw them at his dad. Just then the door suddenly burst open and everything turned black.


At the police station

"The man will be sentenced to 20 years of prison."

"What about the boy? Han Jisung."

"Jisung had an aggressive reaction."


"He has Haphephobia."

"What is that?"

"He will have emotional or aggressive outbursts by physical touch."

"Is it treatable?"

"Yeah. Just put him in therapy, make sure he also gets placed in a orphanage where they're nice and are mentally helping."


(So basically Han was taken to an orphanage, his phobia went away after a while and he graduated as a spy for the police)


The man proudly looked at himself in the mirror. Blue color lenses in his eyes and his hair brushed a little. He looked at the time and realised he should leave right now, so he quickly got his stuff and got on his motor bike. After a 5 minute ride he arrived and quickly went in.

"Han, right on time." The chief greeted him as he walked in. Jisung bowed and the chief put an arm around him, the boy unlike in the past, didn't even budge and happily accepted the affection.

"So, Jisung, you've got a new case." The chief said and handed his favorite spy the stapled papers. Jisung grasped as he looked at the file in shock.

"S-sir, isn't this a bit extreme?" Jisung asked. The man sighed.

"Han, you're my best spy. I know you can handle it." The chief rolled his eyes as he said that, walking away ignoring the boys whines. Jisung decided to have a little peek.

"Straykids, engages in drug handling and robbing all kinds of stores. 7 members." Jisung mumbled to himself as he walked to his desk. Suddenly he felt a presence next to him, so he faced the person unamused. The person snatched the files.

"Guys, guys, guess what. The rookie will soon be dead! He got Straykids!" The man yelled loudly catching everyone's attention. Jisung sighed as he grabbed the files back and sat down in his seat, ignoring the whispers around him.

'Do they really want me dead?' Jisung thought. He just shrugged the thoughts away and inspected the file. He was supposed to spy on them and take pictures.


"Mr. Bahng." An auburn haired boy teasingly said as he entered the room. His boss, who was working with a blonde boy on his lap, sighed.

"Stop calling me that."

"Oh stop it grandma." Seungmin scoffed and walked over to them.

"Why are you being a lap dog?" Seungmin asked to the boy who was sitting happily on his boss' lap. Felix looked up and he glared at the boy.

"Because I can, you're the puppy here." Felix replied sassily. Seungmin sighed dramatically and acted as if he was going to hit Felix, but ended up massaging the boy's scalp. Felix happily hummed and let Seungmin do his thing.

"Why are you here tho? Did something happen?" Chan asked as he typed on his laptop aggressively. Seungmin let go as Felix gently grabbed Chan's hand and massaged it.

"Calm down, hyung." Felix said as he tapped every finger, giving it gentle kisses.

"Aish, how do you always manage to make me calm down." Chan mumbled. Seungmin was mad that he was basically ignored and started running in circles out of nowhere.

"Okay, sorry. Tell us what happened." Chan said eying the boy who stopped running and put a picture on the table. The boss looked at it curiously.

"What is this?" He mumbled. Felix curiously looked at the picture and gasped, pointing at it. He acted all shocked and covered his mouth.

"What are we supposed to fucking do with this Kim Seungmin? It's just a picture of a boy." Felix whined as he let his mask fall and stared at Seungmin boredly.

✅Detective★han x skz «Where stories live. Discover now