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That day Jisung got surprisingly distant again. Nobody knew where he was so they had to track his phone to find the boy. When they got there he was just staring into nothingness while crying.

"Jisung? What's wrong?" Hyunjin asked when they arrived. He quickly went over to hug him.

"Hyunjin." He mumbled, not moving. He was sitting in a flower field, staring into space. It was still in their base. Hyunjin frowned as he pet the boy's head.

"What's wrong Jisung?" Jeongin asked, joining them. Seungmin also sat next to them. Jisung just shrugged.

"Jisung, what's wrong. Tell us what's wrong." Seungmin tried but didn't get much reaction as Jisung had just shrugged. Chan decided to shoo them all away and have a private talk with Jisung.

And Felix who insisted he'd stay.
And Minho.

"What's up with you? You've been acting weird these last days." Chan asked as he gently put Jisung in his lap. The boy just stared at the same spot again.

"I don't know." Jisung mumbled. Chan sighed as he held the boy closer to himself.

"Are you uncomfortable with us?" Felix asked hesitantly. They expected Jisung to break, but no. He shrugged again.

"I don't know." He mumbled. Minho kicked his feet in annoyance.

"Hannie tell us what's bothering you!" He whined. Jisung didn't look at him, just kept staring.

"I don't know." The boy said getting out of Chan's grip and turning around. He walked back to his bedroom with slow steps,  mindlessly walking over the soft grass. It was day one out of five. He just plopped on his bed.

"Stupid." Jisung mumbled to himself, staring out of the window. He heard the door open but just ignored it. The footsteps stopped next to his bed.

"Well aren't you being lazy." Chaewon's oh so familiar voice said. Jisung didn't look at her, not even when she hit him or punched his nose. The girl scoffed grabbing his ankle and dragging him off the bed.

"My hot bosses are away for a day, so I can do anything I want." She chuckled. Jisung just groaned clawing at the floor as Chaewon dragged him. He yelled even louder as Chaewon bent him over the open window, she grabbed his wrist and pushed him out of it.

"Stop, please! Stop!" Jisung yelled as he held onto Chaewon for dear life. Chaewon tutted at him slowly starting to let go of his wrist.

"Please, I'll do anything!" Jisung yelled, crying. Chaewon just removed another finger, then another and goosebumps went up Jisung's neck as he felt her let go. He stared at her in disbelief as he felt his feet hit the ground and everything turning black.


Straykids just arrived home excited to bring the cheesecake to their little squirrel boyfriend. But when they arrived in the living room, it was empty. The kitchen too. Even all the bedroom's too.

"Wait, do you guys hear that?" Jeongin suddenly asked. Everyone looked at him and decided to be quiet.

"What?" Seungmin asked after a while.

"Wait, I hear it too." Changbin said. Everyone listened again and realised it looked like cries. Like sobs. Like their Han Jisung's sobs. And when they looked outside Han's window.

"Hannie!" Minho yelled running to the window. There outside sat Jisung sobbing uncontrollably, bleeding everywhere. They quickly ran outside to the crying boy.

"Hannie! Hannie! It's okay, I'm here. Hyung's here." Minho comforted the boy quickly laying him down in his lap and checking his pulse. Luckily it was beating, but a little too fast.

"Jisung, I need you to listen to me. Take a deep breath in, hold it, and then out. Again." Jeongin guided him as he sat next to them, putting his hand on Jisung's chest.

After like one minute Jisung had calmed down and Jeongin was in his room, treating his wounds. Chan was sitting next to him.

"What happened, Ji?" The leader asked. Jisung looked hesitantly at him.

"I don't know. I don't remember. I think i fell out of the window." Jisung replied. He looked at his feet, that were all bandaged up. Same for his hands and head. Chan nodded and looked at the maknae.

"Any theories, innie?" Chan asked him. Jeongin stopped for a bit.

"Well I don't think you fell out of the window by sitting on it, then you would've landed on your head or chest. The only possible thing that could have happened was that you were hanging from there but I don't see any ropes." Jeongin hinted to Chan.

"But didn't he fall on his head? It's bandaged too." Chan asked. Jeongin looked at him as if he was dumb.

"He landed on his feet and then fell down on his side. Making him hit his head." Jeongin explained. The older nodded.

"We'll talk later. Are you okay, sungie? You still look a bit pale." Chan asked but Jisung's stomach replied for him.

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