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I walk out of the house the next day to see Glenn arguing with someone. Hesitantly I walk over to listen. 
"It killed our friend!" the guy shouts annoyedly at Glenn, making me walk even closer. "Look, I'm not having this conversation. You obey my orders out there"
"Then we're just as screwed as your last run crew" Glenn says and the guy steps closer. Even my dad has arrived now. We exchange glances before looking back towards the scene infront of us. A lot of people had gathered around now to watch and listen. Clearly, they didn't get their fair share of gossip in here a lot.
"Say that again" the guy says as Glenn stands his ground.
"Back off, Aiden" Tara says but he shoves Glenn, causing me to walk closer over. 
"Just take a step back" Noah says but the guy shoves Glenn away.
"Come on, tough guy"
"No one's impressed, man. Walk away" Glenn says quietly before Deanne comes sprinted out of the house.
"Aiden! What is going on?" she asks before she stands behind her son who still has that awful smile on his face. How much I'd love to wipe that thing off with my knife right now.
"This guy's got a problem with the way we do things" he says before turning towards his mother. "Why'd you let this people in?"
I chuckle angrly.
"Because we actually know what we're doing out there" Glenn says and ducks as Aiden throws the first punch. He misses horribly before Glenn punches him, clearly not missing. The other guy that was with them, probably a friend of that idiot, wants to go for Glenn but my dad intervenes and pushes him to the ground before getting on top of him.
"Dad" I say loudly, but he doesn't listen. Rick gives me a stern look before he runs over to my dad and gets him off of the guy. My dad wants to walk back over to the guy but Rick tries to block his path. Quickly I step infront of my dad and catch his arm.
"Not now" I say quietly and he looks at me for a bit before actually stopping to pace around and looking at Deanne.
"I want everyone to hear me, okay?" she shouts loudly for everyone to hear.
"Rick and his people are part of this community now in all ways, as equals. Understood?" she asks loudly before looking at the guy again with an angry look.
He shrugs. "Understood"
"All of you turn in your weapons" she says, looking at the group that has just been outside. "Then you two come talk to me"
I turn to see my dad and Rick share a glance once again. It's clear that my dad still doesn't approve of this place. He hasn't talked to anyone and has been throwing glares at everyone and everything. Not even the shower has been approved by Daryl Dixon.
"I told you I had a job for you" Deanne says directed to Rick. "I'd like you to our constable. That's what you were. That's what you are"
"And you, too" she says to Michonne, who looks a bit surprised. "Will you accept?" she asks the both of them.
"Okay" Rick says and Michonne nods approvingly.
"Yeah, I'm in" she says.
My dad scoffs, collecting his weapons before walking away. He gives Rick an annoyed nod before leaving.
"Dad" I say, looking after him but it's no use. 
"Thank you" Deanne then says to Glenn who looks at her confusedly.
"For what?" he asks.
"For knocking him on his ass" she says, causing me to chuckle and Maggie to smile. It fades though as I turn around again and watch my father walk away. His dirty figure with his crossbow in his hands as he walks away. Carol and I really have to get him into the shower today.
I turn around to look at Deanne. "I'm sorry for my dad"
She smiles at me softly. "It's okay"
"No, it's not. You're giving us a home and he's being more difficult than necessary. I just want you to understand that we're everything he has left. The only one who loves our group more than Rick is my dad. He's a good man and he's going to come around" I say.
She puts a hand onto my shoulder. "Trust is something you build. Tell him to take as much time as needed" she says and I smile at her before beginning to walk away. "And, Alia," she says, making me look at her again. "Don't hesitate to speak to me if you need anything or if anything's bothering you"
"Thank you" I say before walking after my dad.

I find my dad on the front porch again. He's sitting there, watching his feet. Truth be told, he hasn't said much since we came here. Keeping to himself even with Rick now. I get it, he's being very careful and watching out for us. My dad is the most loyal person I know. 
Slowly I walk over before sitting down on the step next to him. He doesn't even look up as I sit down, not acknowledging me with any sort of sign but I know he does eitherway. My dad's definitely not a man of many emotions. He likes to keep them stored up in himself until he explodes. 
"You okay?" I ask him but he doesn't answer. I sigh. "Dad, come on. Talk to me. Rick has approved of this place and so did most of the others. The people here are really nice and caring. Just give them a chance, please. For me and Allen"
He's quiet for some time before he suddenly chuckles. "Must be nice having your own room now"
I smile before I let my head fall onto his shoulder. "It is. The kids are nice too. There's even another girl here but she's a little weird so I'm not too keen on keeping her around me. Allen has his fun though. He's already best friends with the boy from down the street" I say.
"Sounds like your brother"
I laugh a bit. "You should've seen him when Ron introduced us to everyone. I've never seen him so shy"
My dad starts laughing, too. "I don't believe that"
"It's true!" I say, causing us both to laugh again.
Slowly our laughs start to settle and he seems a bit more relaxed than before. "I get that it's tough for you to be here and to trust them but maybe this could be our chance at a better life. Maybe we could finally be the family we always wanted to be. Look, I'm not saying you have to let your guard down. I just want to give you some advice to be more open for all of this"
"You want to give your old man some advice?" my dad jokes and I playfully punch his shoulder.
I take a deep breath. "You know what I mean, dad. Step by step, okay?" 
He looks at me before his eyes soften and he lets out a defeated breath. "Step by step" he repeats, making me chuckle.
"Can I cut your hair?" I blurt out and he looks at me as if he's just seen a ghost.
"Absolutely not" he says, making me sigh.
"It was worth a try" I say, making us both smile again.

Ephemeral - Alia DixonWhere stories live. Discover now