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We've all been working hard to prepare for the war with Negan and the Saviors. Well mostly, I've been resting at home. The cut on my face was pretty deep and we needed it to heal a bit better. So, I've spent the past few days at home, preparing the plan.

It's very simple actually. Allen and I get a car, which is prepared with metal plates which makes a good cover for us, and drive it infront of the Sanctuary. Dad and Rick said we're old enough to decide if we want to go or not. It wasn't even up for debate for Allen and me if we'd go. Of course we would. 

Allen's driving. My dad had taught him a little longer ago, when we were still at the prison. I hadn't had the chance before though but it's fine. 
"How are you feeling?" Allen asks me as we follow the cars infront of us.
"Yeah. Just a little scared for all of you"
He spares a glance at me. "Not for yourself?"
I chuckle. "Nah, not really. I just don't want anything to happen to you and dad"
Allen laughs a bit. "Yeah, have you seen yourself? Probably something's going to happen to you with how reckless you are"
I laugh. "Probably"

We drive into a large field where lots of cars like ours are already parked. I smile as I see Maggie and Ezekiel. When we finally come to a halt, I get outside and close the door behind me.
Maggie smiles at me. "Hey" she says softly.
"Hey, how are you?"
"Good. You?" she asks, looking at my face.
I smile softly. "It's better now. It doesn't hurt that much anymore and it has already begun healing. I'm fine"
She smiles, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Glad to hear"
"Here" Ezekiel says, holding out one of their covers for me. All of them wear them over their clothes. 
"It's fine" I say and he widens his eyes warningly. I chuckle. "Alright"
I take it from him and strap it over my head before securing it on my sides. It's a little uncomfortable but at least Ezekiel's happy now. 

When I heard about Benjamin's passing, I was sad. I don't know why but I was. We could've been great friends, I believe. Also he left his brother behind. I haven't seen Henry though. He's at the kingdom. Safe. Safe from all of this. 
I could never imagine loosing Allen, and I definitely won't. Not as long as I'm around because I'll do everything for him to stay alive.

When we arrive, we immediately get into formation, hiding behind our covers. Me and Allen stand between Rick and Maggie. We all shoot once, waiting for them to come outside. It takes a bit before Negan steps out, talking about a meeting he just had. 
I roll my eyes and my jaw tightens as Eugene steps outside with them. Negan starts talking about saving his people and about how big his dick is. Clasic Negan. I look over at Enid who looks just as annoyed as I am but much more focused on what's going to happen, reminding me to do the same. I shake my dislike for Negan off and look forward. The voice of Negan starts to fade as I watch him.
"Dwight, Simon, you're Gavin, and you..." Rick starts, making me focus on the conversation again.
"Regina" the woman says.
"I'd feel remiss if-" Eugene says. 
"No" Rick says angrily. "I know who you are"
I watch Eugene as he gives us a short nod. He probably knows he fucked up. I hope he does. 
"Listen, you five. The Saviors inside. All of you have a chance to survive here. To survive this. You all can live if you surrender. Can't guarantee if any time but now. Right now" Rick says as Negan chuckles.
"So they surrender and you and your little piss patrol doesn't kill them. That sounds like a good deal. What about me, Rick?"
"I told you. Twice. You know what's going to happen"
"I do. I do know what's gonna happen. You don't. You have no idea the shit that's about to go down. Let me ask you something, Rick. Do you think you have the numbers for this fight?" Negan asks and we all look at eachother. We definitely don't but the plan is good. It could work. It has to. "You don't. Simon?"

My blood boils as I see Simon smiling down at us triumphically. He walks inside before motioning for someone to come outside. I silently groan as Gregory's head peaks out behind the wall and he steps outside.
"Of course that's where he went" Jesus states.
"What do you have to say to Rick and the piss patrol, Gregory?" Negan asks and Gregory tries to stand as representable as possible, making it very easy to spot how afraid he is. 
"The Hilltop stands with Negan and the Saviors. Any resident of the Hilltop who takes up arms or who supports this ultimatum against the Sanctuary or any of the Saviors, for that matter- they will no longer be welcome in the colony"
"And?" Negan says amusedly. 
"Their families will be thrown out and will be left to fend for themselves"
Negan pats Greg's shoulder contently. "And?"
"Go home now. Or you won't have a home to go back to"
The Hilltop residents look at Maggie. "You do what you need to do" she says softly as I watch them thinking. 
"All I have at Hilltop are a bunch of books and an old lobster bib" Jesus says, making us chuckle.
"You heard the man. Go back to separating wheat and shit or whatever the hell it is you people do" Negan says.
"Doesn't look like anyone's going, does it?" Maggie asks loudly.
"Hilltop stands with-" Gregory starts but gets interrupted by Jesus.
"The Hilltop stands with Maggie!" he shouts loudly, making me smile. These people respect her for what she and Sasha have done. For how they have safed them. Hilltop doesn't belong to Greogry anymore. It belongs to Maggie. Maggie and the people there.
Simon shoves Gregory down the stairs who falls to the floor with a satisfying loud thud. My head shoots around as I see the explosion afar. It's time.
"Sounds like shit is going down, Rick" Negan states.
"You're gonna have to make up your minds"
"Maybe we can take a timeout here?" Gavin asks.
"No. This has to happen now. This is the only way" Rick states. "You're gonna make me count. Okay. I'm counting"

Ephemeral - Alia DixonWhere stories live. Discover now