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I'm up early, having watch today. There's nothing extraordinary going on today. A few walkers here and there but nothing that has caught my eye. I smile as I turn my head and see Carver walking over. I don't turn away from the walkers though, after all I'm on watch. I giggle as he wraps his arms around me from behind, nustling his head into my neck placing soft kisses all over it.
"Morning" he says and I chuckle.
"Morning, babe" I say and he lifts his head out of the crook of my neck.
"Did you just call me babe?" he asks a bit surprised, making me smile.
"Shouldn't I?"
He frantiqually shakes his head before a smile sneaks it's way onto his face. "I love it"
I chuckle before slowly leaning back into his embrace. Who would've thought that getting stabbed from behind in a horde of walkers would lead to me finding him. Life has weird ways.
"What are you doing today?" I ask him, now turning around as he leans onto the wall.
"Well, we're trying to get more infos out of the other guy and when he tells us we'll obviously go out" he says.
"Alright. I'll go talk to Pope then about going out with you"
He looks at me with a careful look. "Are you sure?"
I chuckle. "I am. I'm fine. And you definitely need me to save your ass"
He starts laughing. "I don't need anyone to save my ass"
I grin. "Keep dreaming. You know you need me"
He smirks as he takes a step forward closing the distance between us. His hands grip my waist, holding my firmly to his front. "I know" he says before slowly lowering his head and kissing me softly. I smile as we both lean back again before I shove him away.
"Go. You have duties" I say and he mockingly starts acting hurt before he starts laughing and climbs back down the platform. I watch after him for a few moments before I spot my father and Leah standing a bit further back. A smile forms on my face as I see him and I wave.
He smiles back before hesistantly waving, almost looking awkward. I chuckle before turning back towards the outside.

My dad actually brought the guy to tell us where his friends are hiding.
I don't even want to know what he has done to him. Acording to Pope and Leah, my dad and Carver don't really get along. I get it. Carver's a very loyal and territorial person and he's not trusting my dad, at all. I was hoping that he would but I get it. He doesn't know my dad like I do but he's going to. I'll make sure of it.
"Let's go!" Carver shouts as we all make our way outside. We walk silently to the house the guy said they were in. We all take our guns out and just as I want to give one of mine to my father, Leah and Carver stop me. Apparently he's not allowed to have one in case he betrays us. Bullshit. My father would kill them with his own hands doesn't matter if he has a gun or not.

Carver makes a sign for the other three to go towards the car on the left while Leah, him and me go to the one on the right, my dad trailing behind.
"Looks quiet. No movement. Two entrances. Breach both?" Carver asks Leah.
"By twos. You take Powell" she says to Carver before turning towards the other three. "Washington, Fish. Go around the back of the yellow house"
"What about Alia's dad? Am I supposed to believe he's got my back?" Carver asks and I slap him to the back of the head.
"No, that's Alia's and my job" Leah says, clearly annoyed by him.
"Always" he says before we all get inside. My dad and I trail after Leah, being on the lookout for any signs of someone fleeing.
I walk after Leah but soon notice that my dad's not directly behind me. I turn around to see him walking after me, a cable behind him swinging around in the air. I narrow my eyes. My dad never makes mistakes. Especially not like that. He knows what he's doing and that shit was on purpose.
I just keep walking, trying to make out what he's doing. Clearly he's helping someone but I have no clue who or why. We all get inside, me, dad and Leah last as the others clear the rooms.
"It's all clear, Carv" Fish says.
"That son of a bitch jerked us around" Carver says annoyed.
"We should stay. Look around. So we don't miss nothing" my dad says.
"No," Leah says quickly. "We'll search the rest of the town first. Quick and quiet, in case they're still nearby. You three take the north and work back. We'll meet you in the middle"
We all nod before going into different directions.

Ephemeral - Alia DixonWhere stories live. Discover now