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I just want to walk up to the front porch when I start hearing gunshots. Immediately, I run towards where they're coming from. There are lots of them and when I round the corner I see Rick pulling at a rope and somebody holding onto the gate with one hand while Michonne's looking down at them. Quickly I run up to them, watching as Michonne pulls Tara back onto the platform while Rick and Tobin pull Spencer up, Morgan coming up to help too. 
"Tara! You almost died once for these people" Rick shouts angrily.
"What?" she asks, clearly not believing that he's just said that.
"What the hell were you doing?" Rick asks angrily before Tara shows him the finger, making me chuckle. Rick and Spencer then argue for a moment before Rick angrily climbs down and stomps away. 

I watch after him for a second before turning towards Michonne. "Are you okay?" I ask her and she nods. 
"Spencer tried to climb over the walkers and failed, meaning we had to save him" she says before giving him an angry look.
I look over at him with narrowed eyes before walking away again. On my way I see Allen and Carl. 
"Everything okay?"  Allen asks me and I nod.
"Yeah, Spencer tried shit and they had to save him" I say.
"But he's okay, right?" Carl asks and I nod.
"Yeah, everything okay" I say with a smile that washes off my face in a matter of miliseconds as I watch the tower behind the wall fall. It crashes right into the wall, leaving a huge hole for all the walkers to come inside. My eyes widen as I see how many are coming through. 
"Everyone, get back! Get into your houses, go!" Rick shouts and I look at my brother and Carl as we start running. While we run I notice Maggie running away from them. 
"Allen, cover me!" I shout loudly, taking notice of Ron behind us before I get my gun out. Allen goes the same, shooting the ones around us as I shoot the ones on Maggie's trail one by one. 
"We have to go" Carl says, pulling at my arm but I refuse as Maggie's still struggling with a few of them.
"Alia" Allen says before they both pull me away.
"Maggie" I say, breathing heavily before I shake my head. I need to get a grip. Now. I push my brother and Carl off as we keep running, Ron right behind us. We join Deanna, Rick, Michonne and Gabriel on our way, Rick carrying Deanna as she's bleeding, Michonne's killing walkers with her katana while Deanna aimlessly shoots at them. At least she's doing something. 
I'm actually glad I left the jacket outside on the porch this morning while cleaning my knives. I take thebig knife out of my pocket and start killing the walkers on the right. Soon enough, they start coming from every direction though. Jesse comes to our rescue though as she starts shooting a few of them.
"Come on, I have Judith!" she says, urging us to follow her into her home. Quickly, we run inside and close the door behind us. It doesn't take long for them to come from at us at every side. My eyes widen.
"This ain't gonna hold" I say, breathing heavily from the running and the fear. There are hundreds of them outside and all of them are coming inside right now. Rick and Michonne carry Deanna upstairs while I stay down, trying to find a way out. Someway. Any fucking way out of this mess.
"We're not getting out of here" Allen states and I bring my hands up to my face. The stress was eating me up. 
"We are. We always are" I say, closing my eyes tightly. Judith starts crying in that moment, causing Carl to pick her up and rock her a little. 
"Okay, we have to put blankets up" I say and Jesse nods before going downstairs. She comes back upstairs after a moment and starts throwing the blankets at us. One by one we hang them up as quickly as we can until everything's closed off. 
I sigh as I let myself fall back against the sofa. Allen soon joins me and we spend the next hour talking and joking with eachother. I smile at my brother. Allen and I had always have a special way of understanding eachother. Even when we were kids. Sometimes even speaking is irrelevant with eachother since we seem to have the same idea. I've always been wondering if it's a twin thing or just something between the two of us. Either way it's fucking awesome. Jesse has gone upstairs with Judith, leaving only us kids downstairs. 
"Where are Carl and Ron?" Allen asks me, placing a perfect example of what I meant just now. I shrug as we look at eachother with stern looks. Without saying anything we get up and walk around. I stop at the door by the garage.
"Allen" I say and sign for him to come closer. I press my ear against the door to hear the both of them talking, well rather Ron. Suddenly the door closes shut and my eyes widen. I start to rattle at the door but nothing happens. Suddenly all hell breaks loose as Ron starts fighting with whom I assume is Carl. Someone gets pressed against the door, grunting and then a shelf falls down. Allen and I try to break the door down when Rick and Jesse come down.
"What's going on?" Rick asks.
"No. Clue" I say loudly, stomping onto the door hard with Allen in synch until it finally breaks down. I storm inside to see that their fight has torn the walkers right to us as they try to get inside through the glass door. 
"Come on!" Rick shouts and we all walk back inside behind him as he shuts the door. Quickly, we all press against it before Gabriel and Rick come with the couch. 
"We need to have more. And we need to be quiet" he says angrily and we all nod.
"I'll see what I can find" Michonne says and me and Allen quickly sprint after her. Gabriel joins us too as we start help Michonne.

Ephemeral - Alia DixonWhere stories live. Discover now