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The first thing I notice when I start to wake up is the smell.

This smells nothing like the rotten house I had fell asleep in. It smelled almost nice. Too nice.
I slowly open my eyes and try to move but I can't. I lift my head a little, noticing the ropes that are tied around my body, tying me down to the bed I'm lying on. I try to wiggle free but I wince, a sharp pain shooting through my body from where the guy had stabbed me, all the memories coming back from the events. The wound beneath my boob seems to have been taken care of though, as I'm able to feel the cloth on my skin.

"You're finally awake" a deep voice sounds to my right, making me look at him. He has short, orange hair and a orange beard. He's wearing multiple layers of clothing and his belt is loaded with knives and weapons. Black combat boots are finishing the outfit he's wearing and I notice the mask that's hanging from his belt. A red one.
"Who are you?" I ask him and he chuckles.
"Who am I?" he asks before slightely laughing as he takes a few steps closer. "The question is: who are you?"
Now he's towering over me with a smirk as I stare him dead in the eye, not showing any sign of fear.

"Break it up, man" another voice is heard. I look to my left to see a black haired guy walk inside, wearing the same outfit as the one to my right. I look back at the ginger who has a straight face now before he takes a few steps back. I look back to my left to see the other guy coming closer.
"What's your name?" he asks and I chuckle.
"Where am I?" I ask a bit annoyedly. He doesn't seem to find it funny.
"Our community" he answers.
"And what do you call yourselves?" I ask but he doesn't answer. Instead he stops right at my side. He stares at me for a few seconds, looking me up and down as I try to stay calm.
"What happened? Those are some nasty wounds" he says, now looking back at my eyes.
"Got stabbed" I say and he chuckles.
"Yeah, no shit, sweetheart. But who stabbed you?" he asks and I chuckle again.
"Do you want me to tell you name? Because I can't"
All of a sudden there's a knife at my throat, causing me to laugh. That guy was easy to mock and he definitely wouldn't kill me. He's not the leader, at least I don't think so.
"Carver shouldn't have taken you here" he mutters angrily.
My smile fades as I hear that name. Apparently whoever Carver is has safed me. The question is why though? Either, they're nice people or I have just met some really bad people.

"Take the knife off of her" I hear a familiar voice say. I stare into the guy's eyes before he slowly retreats the knife. I tilt my head down only to be met with Leah.
"Leah?" I ask her confusedly. I hadn't seen her in so long. Not since I've visited my father in the woods.
"Long time no see, A" she says with a grin as at least five other men walk inside.
"Can you tell me why I'm here?" I ask and she chuckles.
"Well, ask Carver that. He's the one who took you here" she says, looking over to one of the men to my left. He has black, a bit longer hair. He's wearing the same as all the other men in the room as he stares at me without any sign of emotion with his hands behind his back.
I turn back towards Leah. "Let me refrase my question. Why haven't you killed me yet?" I ask camly and trying to sound not impressed.
"Leah told us you'd be a great addition to the team" a man speaks up. I look at him. Again, he's dressed the same as the others his skin darker than the others though. He doesn't look as frightening as some of them do.
"And why do you think I'd join you?" I ask and a few of them snicker.
"I like her" the one to my right says but I ignore him, instead I keep staring at Leah. She has changed. Her hair's grey now and honestly, she looks like she's been through a lot
"There's a reason you're here, isn't there? Where's Daryl?" she asks and I swallow.

I can't tell them where they are. These people can't be trusted. As much as I want to. I want to believe that I've been found by good people. Luck is never on my side though.

"Dead" I say and her eyes slightely widen. "Dad's dead along with everyone else I know"
"What happened?" she asks, trying to cover her worry.
"Walkers. They came inside the walls and killed basically everyone. There was a fire. And I ran"
"Doesn't explain the two wounds you have though" one speaks up.
"We were under attack from some other people. They had gathered a huge herd and had lead them to us. We tried to fight the walkers but while we were at it they shooted arrows at the walls and inside. Everything burned down and everyone died"
"How many?"
"How many of these people were there?"
"I don't know. Like thirty?"
"And how many people were you?" one asks.
"Doesn't matter" I say, turning my head away from them. I hope they haven't caught on to my little lie. I did tell the truth, just not about the deaths.
Silence overcomes the room and I can tell they're debating on wheter to kill me or give me a chance. I wouldn't.

"Are you as good as she says?" the man, Carver asks me. I smirk at him.
"I'm better"
A few snickers are heard again but I'm still staring at the man who saved my life. He doesn't back down either. He stares right back at me, his brown eyes piercing my soul.
He chuckles lowly before walking out of the room.
Slowly one by one start walking out of the room, leaving me alone with Leah. She waits a few seconds, just staring at me before she finally walks over.

"Are you okay?" she asks, making me chuckle.
"Do I look like it?" I ask and she chuckles too.
"You haven't changed a bit," she says quietly. "Are you sure your dad's dead?"
I sigh. Lie, Alia. Lie as good as you can. "Almost. Watched as he walked into a burning building trying to save a few of us but none of them came out. Neither did the one's of the other building. I hid and fled as fast as I could after I was sure that they are dead" I say sadly, trying to be convincing. At least you learn something during a fucking apocalypse. Lying without anyone noticing.
"I'm sorry about them. Your dad and your brother" she says and I sadly smile at her.
"It's okay" I say quietly.
Suddenly she starts taking off the ropes and helping me sit up.
"You okay here? Don't leave the room or I'll have to put you into a cell. There are a few guards out there and they won't hesitate to kill you. They're very loyal so just stay in here. Your best option is to join us" she says.
"And what if I don't?"
She looks at me as she presses her lips together. "You don't want to find out"

Ephemeral - Alia DixonWhere stories live. Discover now