I Saw God In My Coma

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I saw God in my coma, in a state of pure bliss
His presence surrounding me, a feeling I couldn't dismiss
In my unconsciousness, I found a deeper connection
To the divine being, the source of all perfection

I drifted in an endless sea of peace and light
No worries, no fears, just a sense of what is right
I felt the warmth of His love, like a gentle embrace
And I knew in that moment, I was in a sacred place

As I traveled through the depths of my own mind
I saw glimpses of His power, so grand and kind
The beauty of His creation, in every shape and form
Reaffirmed my faith, and calmed my every storm

In my coma, I found a new perspective
A chance to reflect, and be introspective
I saw the world through God's eyes, with clarity and grace
And I realized the true meaning of this mortal race

I saw God in my coma, and He showed me the way
To live with purpose, and to never stray
He whispered words of wisdom, and gave me strength
To face my trials, and go to any length

As I emerged from my slumber, I carried His light
A beacon of hope, shining ever so bright
For I had seen God, in the depths of my soul
And I knew I was never alone, He was with me, whole

So let this be a reminder, to all those who may doubt
That even in our darkest moments, God will never walk out
He is with us always, in our highs and our lows
And in our comas, He reveals the secrets He only knows

So if ever you find yourself in a state of deep sleep
Just remember, it's a journey, not a life to keep
For in that state, you may just see
God's presence, and His love, for all eternity

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