7 Deadly Sins

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Envy, a seed of doubt and desire
Creeping into our hearts, a treacherous fire
Watching others with what we lack
Green with longing, it's hard to keep track

But let not this emotion consume our soul
For with it comes a darkness, an empty hole
Instead, let's be inspired and strive
To achieve our own dreams, to truly thrive

Pride, a double-edged sword to wield
A source of strength, but also a shield
It can lift us up, but also tear us down
So let's use it wisely, with grace and sound

Let's take pride in our achievements and worth
But never let it blind us, for it's not our birth
To judge or belittle others in our sight
Let's spread kindness and love, with all our might

Lust, a temptation that can be hard to resist
A pull towards desires, so hard to persist
For what we want may not always be right
So let's learn to control and choose what's in sight

Anger, a storm that can rage within
A force that can make us commit a sin
It's okay to feel it, but let's not act on it
For the consequences may not be worth it

Instead, let's channel it into something good
Let's use it as fuel, to make change and we should
For anger can bring destruction and pain
But with the right mindset, we can turn it into gain

Gluttony, a craving that can never be satisfied
An insatiable hunger, that can take us for a ride
We want more and more, never content with what we have
But let's learn to appreciate, and be grateful for all we've had

Greedy, a desire for more than we need
An insidious trait, that can make us plead
For more, more, and more, never satisfied
But true happiness lies in what we can provide

Let's be generous and give without expectation
For in giving, we receive a greater satisfaction
Let's not be consumed by our insatiable wants
For true richness lies in the little things, and not just in grants

Lazy, a temptation to do nothing at all
A state of mind, that can make us fall
Into a cycle of procrastination and waste
But let's break free from this self-made haste

Let's be motivated and driven, to reach our goals
For hard work and perseverance, truly molds
A life of fulfillment and purpose to find
Let's not be lazy, but instead, leave a legacy behind

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