The Believable Beings

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Chapter 15

The Trial

Brianna looks and stares at Vladimir.Vladimir says to Brianna you ready.The both of them put there hand on the door and it opens very slowly.

Back to The Past

As I ran with Kaden to another area,Raul says to Brianna and Vladimir.Father will not be pleased at all I hope you know that.See you in class tomorrow Raul laughed sarcastically.We lossed our chance! Raul left the area and went another way,from the cage.Vladimir and Brianna just stood there.He really isn't going to be pleased at all Brianna said.

They walked to there place,which is a beat down old house.They shared that house.They also had there separate bedrooms in a different house that was opposite from each other.We live like savages Vladimir said.We could of had much more space and power next to father.Well it's not that bad Brianna said.Then she whispered,I think!We have to do something they said as they walk into there beat down old house.I never want to leave this house anyways.Why Vladimir screamed out loud to Brianna.Don't you remember it was made by a witch and wizard that were the best brother and sister.But until one used his or her magic for evil Vladimir said as he finished the story.We both wanted to find the both of them and unite them as brother and sister.

Well we wont fulfil our dream if where going to get killed and tortured by father tomorrow or the next day after that Vladimir said.

Well he's one of the first vampires what do you expect us to do against him.We should kill Raul first Vladimir said.Brianna said and acted quickly,We can't do that,then she put her hands over his mouth! Then Vladimir took her hands off and said really Im not getting staked tomorrow.We should bring our weapons, you bring your bow and ill bring my two knives and necklace Brianna said.Sounds like a plan Vladimir said and smiled very happily.But what happens if it doesn't works.Well at least we have each other, im kidding then she started laughing.Hey, thats mean Vladimir screamed.That's why where best friends said Vladimir.They both chuckled!

We need to get prepared, Brianna said where going to kill father.Let's go get some ice cream before tomorrow.We both we're a bond that could never be broken.We both went to the closes spot where the ice cream shop was.

When we got there as we had walked normally to not draw any attention to ourselves.Ready Vladimir said.Brianna shook her head to say yes.We walked in to the front door and the bell at the top of the door had rang.Hello customers, what can I get you two.The man at the front counter took a glimpse at Brianna and Vladimir. Get out of my shop you filthy varments.Brianna screamed silently what did we do.Scram I don't want you in my shop.You better get out of here or ill call the cops on you guys.Vladimir and Brianna walked away and out of the shop.What did we do Brianna said.

Well tough luck for that, im guessing where not getting ice cream Vladimir said.Let's go! It's almost time.

Ya,let's go!

The best friends shook there head at the same time and parted opposite ways.Still knowing what's in store for them the next day.

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