Chapter 1: Lost Feelings

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Nino POV

It was my first day of the second year, me and my sisters had just transferred to this school. I wasn't particularly enthused about it since I had to deal with boys now. I was waiting for the teacher to introduce me to the class. I heard him mention me to enter the classroom and as I walked in, I felt this, eerie yet familiar feeling deep in my heart. I stopped infront of everyone as I introduced myself.

"My name is Nino Nakano, I hope we can all get along." I bowed, I felt the gazes I was getting from all the boys, It was disgusting. Nothing but lust filled their eyes. "Miss Nakano, please have a seat in the back. There is an empty one by the sleeping boy in the back." I nodded as I walked over, I glanced at the boy and felt an, odd feeling in my chest. "Just who is this guy? Why does this feel so familiar?" I shrugged it off as I took a seat. I glanced back at him and noticed his hair, it was charcoal mainly and it seemed to gradually fade to white as it went down. It was half tied in a ponytail and his bangs were loose. I looked away and snuck onto my phone during the lecture.

As time went on I saw him slowly wake up, I didn't get a good look at his face but I saw his eyes, they were unique to say the least. It was a piercing teal color, it seemed inhuman, on top of that, his pupil's were white. He seemed to noticed and sent a gentle smile towards me but continued to look out the window. I just didn't react and returned to my phone. Not long after the bell rang and I saw him leave as some friends of mine came up to me. One had long black hair in pigtails and blue eyes, this was Rin. The other was brown hair and had hazel eyes, this was Hori.

"Hey Nino, look at you getting to sit next to the Guardian of Asahiyama High." Hori said, seemingly a little jealous. I could only look confused and honestly, a little intrigued. "Could he be my Prince?" I wondered. "Guardian of Asahiyama High? Kind of cheesy if you ask me." I retorted. I stood up ready to go to the cafeteria and eat with my sisters. "Yeah, he beat up a bunch of jocks when he arrived, they were infamous for causing trouble with the girls." Rin seemed a little pissed when she mentioned this. I let it be as we rounded the corner near the cafeteria. "Not long after he joined the Kendo club and became the best in the school. He know's his way around a sword." Hori seemed a little lost in a daydream. I sighed and chuckled at my friend's reaction. "Yeah, apparently someone challenged him to a duel today. Though no one knows when it's going to take place." Rin mentioned. "Would be cool to see someone beat the snot out of creeps." I kept that thought to myself tho. We made it and seperated as I got my food and met my sisters. They consisted of Ichika the oldest, Miku the middle child, Yotsuba the second youngest, and Itsuki the baby sister tho she was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey Nino, how was your morning classes?" Ichika asked, "It wasn't anything special, just some glances from creeps. Tho there's this weirdo that sleeps behind me. Apparently his known as the Guardian of this school or whatever." They seemed to find it funny. As we enjoyed out food, we saw student's start moving to the windows. I overheard a boy mention something about some guy taking on all the kendo team in the courtyard. Us being curious and have finished eating, made our way to the window and watched the fight. I admit I was curious as I wondered if it was the same boy my friends had talked about. We arrived at the window as I finally got a look at the person fighting, and low and behold it was the person who sit's behind me.

"Nino is that the guy you were talking about?" Yotsuba asked as I nodded in approval. He was unmistakable due to the uniqueness of his haircolor. I noticed he was wearing a tightly fitted t-shirt as Rin was holding his shirt and jacket. He held a Kendo sword in one hand as 6 girls surrounded him, all in proper Kendo attire. I couldn't help but stare at his well built body, I noticed slight scars that covered his arms but they weren't to noticable. He wasn't to bulky but he wasn't lean either.

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now