Chapter 8: Recollection!

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Nino PoV

What just happened? I was stunned from the rollercoaster of event's that had just occured. Once my mind settled I looked down and noticed (Y/N) was laying ontop of me, his head was burried in my chest. 

"PERVERT! GET OFF M-Huh?" I was extremely pissed, but I noticed.... he didn't react at all. I lifted his head and noticed his eyes were blank. I felt around his back and my dry hand became wet. I pulled it into view and noticed it was slightly red. It was blood.

"Nino! What's going on!" I heard Itsuki say as I watched her hurry down the stairs. I looked at me and was extremely concerned. "NINO WHAT HAPPENED!" She rushed to help get him off me as I explained what had happened.

"I was drying my hair when (Y/N) came in to get something he forgot. I asked him to get my contacts and when he wasn't reaching to the right shelf I used him to lean higher and grab them. But I hit some books and he protected me from them, I guess one knocked him Unconsious."

"T-That's a lot to process. Right now he's bleeding. Go get dressed, I'm calling for help."

I nodded as I ran to get changed. I just got into my gym clothes to not make waste time and hurried back down. Ichika and Miku were here and they were treating his wound. I looked at my savior and noticed a horrible scar on his back, bleeding through the bandage. 

Holding back my scream I rushed down to help them

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Holding back my scream I rushed down to help them. I held onto his hand as he laid there unresponsive. 

Y/N Pov (Flashback)

It was my 14th birthday and I was in the courtyard of an ancient looking temple. We were training, Beside me was my bestfriends Tim and Jin, as well as my partner, Vega. We were continuously punching a wooden dummy, with only bandages to hold our hands together. Our nuckles bloody and bruised. 

"So (Y/N), ready for our first assignment tomorrow?" I heard Vega ask, he had grey hair and piercing red eyes. His pupils were the blackest of black. 

"Yeah." I replied, me and Vega were like Brothers. We sparred together and we had been partners since we both arrived at the temple 5 years ago, we were both 9 year's old at the time, while my baby sister was 8. This temple was known for creating warriors, and due to modern times. They modernized their training, including marksmenship. They were going to train both me and Kaiya but I refused to co-operate unless she was left out of it and got to live normally at the temple. They relucantly agreed as I began my training. I was proficient with a sword thanks to our father, at least, that's what Kaiya had informed me of. I was a natural shot, being able to hit a target 200 meters away with a sidearm. 

Vega, being basically my twin. Was proficient with a sword and pistol as well, so we trained on fighting wielding both sword and pistol simultaneously. 

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now