Chapter 11: Fireworks 2 (Miku)

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(Fireworks part 2 and 3 are techinally side stories and part 4 will finish it off)

No PoV

After the group had gotten seperated, Miku was walking aimlessly around looking for her sisters. Or better yet, Tim. For some reason, being near him. She felt safe, like she was a king and had a personal cannon ready to fire. 

"There you are Miku, Thank god."

She whipped her head and saw the towering gentle giant she came to know. Her Rook in this game of chess called 'life'. "Timmy, h-how did you find me."

"Simple, I saw your mask, It gave me a hunch it was you and when I saw your cute nose I instantly knew." He had a massive shit eating grin as he reached to hold her hand. "Take my hand, so you don't get lost.

Miku's face exploded in a wave of red as they went to start walking, but he almost fell to the ground before Tim caught her. "I think I was stepped on, I can't seem to move my foot."

Tim bent down and examined her food, he carried her bridal style to a nearby bench as he had a small first aid kit ready. He patched her up and offered her a piggy back ride which she hesitated before gratefully accepting.

"I didn't know you knew first aid."

"It's something I picked up having to patch up (Y/N) and Jin when we were younger." Tim sweatdropped as he felt his phone buzz, reaching for it and answering, he realized it was (Y/N) who was on the phone telling him wear to take Miku, since Nino was lonely and wanted her sisters to watch the festival together. Tim agreed as he walked towards where the address was.

"Who was that?"

"It was (Y/N), he said Nino was on the roof and was alone since he went to look for Itsuki. I'm taking you to here, but it's going to be a while as we are a decent bit away."

They were currently close to the middle or end of the festival stalls while The roof they rented was towards the beginning. As Tim was walking, he noticed a familiar face but paid nothing of it as it was his old stealth instructor. He sighed as they made their was through the crowd.

"Hi! Got a minute? We are taking a survey of people who came to see the fireworks display" A surveyor asked them. They looked at eachother before nodding.

"Wonderful, now, what's the relationship between you two?"

The two blushed as they looked away from eachother. The surveyors giggled as they knew the answer. "Theirs no need to answer, you two are obviously a couple."

"Duh." The surveyor responded. 

"Um, we actually aren't in a relationship." Miku retorted, still on Tim's shoulders.

"Really? You sure look like you are, being on his shoulders and all."

They sweatdropped as the surveyor started to look at Tim's bulky build and drool came out of her mouth. They slowly walked away as they continued onward. 


"What was that?" Tim asked. "I don't know, but It wasn't a firework."

The intercom went off as people began to flood in their direction screaming and running away. 

"Please remain calm and leave immediately, there have been gunshots fired!"

"GUNSHOTS!" The two exclaimed, Tim felt (Y/N)'s aura surge and knew he was handling it. He smirked as he hustled Miku to a nearby park. Miku then called Nino to meet them there as Tim called Jin to explain what happened. 

"I never got to ask, how come the fireworks were so important to you all?"

Miku looked up suprised but had a sollem smile soon after. "They are one of the most important memories we have with our Late mother."


The two looked up as Miku was tackled by Nino and Itsuki. Not long after Yotsuba followed. 

"Guess I didn't need to worry about her getting hurt did I?" Tim asked as (Y/N) sheepishly smiled with a graze on his cheek.

"Your getting Rusty (Y/N)." He retorted in a serious mannor, (Y/N) nodded, understanding he was going to need to up his training more. 

"You two! I need to give you a piece of my mind!" Nino exclaimed as she ran up to Tim and started pointing at him fiercely. "T-Thank you for watching over Nino. and (Y/N)!"

(Y/N) braced for impact as he was expecting a scolding, but instead was embraced and had a bandage placed over his cut. "Thank you for watching over my baby sis. From this scratch I'm guessing you protected them."

(Y/N) rubbed his nape and gave Nino a big smile, remeniscient of a certain pirate king in history. 

"That smile. . .  Its reminds me of an old legend, or god perhaps. . ." Tim thought as he watched Ichika and Jin arrive shortly after.

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now