Chapter 7: Shokugeki!

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(Y/N) PoV

Today was the tutor session after the roof-top encounter. I heard from Rook that he and Miku seemed to get along great, and they were conveniently placed as Desk Neighbors. I was arriving at the lobby floor from the Staircase to the garage when I heard screeming in the doorway, low and behold I look to see Toro making a complete idiot of himself. So to prevent himself from furthor humilia- and too late. 

"Auto Locks, they're pretty much everywhere now a days." I watched as Miku and Toro entered the lobby so I walked up to them. "Yo! Been a bit!" 

"Oh, Hey (Y/N)." 

"I take it you have drawn a liking to Toro here?"

"Yeah, he proved himself to me the other day so I think it would be a good idea to try a bit."

"Glad to hear it! Now, you ready! Today is Japanese History as I promised."

She nodded as the three of us entered the elevator. Upon arriving at the penthouse sweet, we made their way in as I sat my bag down. Inside were some old Japanese history textbooks from my personal library. After we got somewhat situated, me and Toro went to round up the other 4 as Miku was on the couch, I got Itsuki and Nino while he got Yotsuba and Ichika. When I knocked on Itsuki's door she had it barely open. 

"Is he here?" I only nodded as she sighed. "I'll be down in a second. But I want you're help not his."

"I can do that."

Yotsuba and Toro were going into Ichika's room as I walked to Nino's, from the purple gas coming out of it I decided I will NEVER go in there for my own safety. When I knocked on Nino's door she just looked at me and slammed the door in my face. 

"Rude.... but understandable." I said as I walked down stairs. Maybe she was just going to change, who knows. After a while Ichika made her way down but curled up on the couch instead, she was barely awake, Miku and Yotsuba were all ready to go and Itsuki sat at the dining table, ready to study on her own with me helping from time to time. 

"Well, were all set up now! Time for us to hit the books!" Yotsuba is always enthusiastic about these sessions and it brings me some hope at least. 

"I think I'll sit this one out and watch." Ichika said while yawning into a daze.

"There it goes, good bye hope." I sighed 

"Remember, you promised Japanese History first." Miku said, Rook seems to have put a pep in her step.

"And I'll be studying by myself over here." Itsuki said. "Remember, If you need help just let me know, okay Red?"

"Red?" She looked back at me confused. "Y-Yeah, cause you're hairs a really pretty scarlet red, ya'know. I thought it be fitting." I laughed a little nervousely. What I didn't expect was a blush from her and a smile. She just focused on her books as I heard a voice from above. 

"Come back for more~?" I looked up and noticed Nino, who was definatly in a different outfit, it was kind of.... cute? Questions for later. "Hey Nino, care to come join us?"

"As much as I like spending time with you outside of school (Y/N), I'd rather be dead than join this session." I sweatdropped. "I'm... flattered? I think?"

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now