Chapter 20: Lost in Power 1

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The next morning, (Y/N) had searched the hotel for the teachers after finding the busses when they pulled in. So after talking to the teachers, everyone that traveled with (Y/N) loaded onto the bus. (Y/N) sitting beside Nino.

"Finally, some alone time you darling~."

"You do know there's people literally surrounding us right?"

"And? Doesn't mean I can't still be affectionate towards you."

"Your boldness scares me."

"I'll take that as a complement."

"Can you two not be lovey dovey while I'm here." Kaiya spoke, as she was sitting on (Y/N)'s lap. Not in a weird way you fucking degenerates.

"Sorry Sorry." (Y/N) waved. The three continued their conversations, mainly Nino bringing up the dance as Kaiya and (Y/N) knew she was getting at. But (Y/N) played dumb cause he knew Itsuki was going to do the same. It's weird to him, the two are normally opposites, Nino not having breaks while Itsuki struggles to speed up. However when (Y/N) entered the mix, It's like Itsuki flipped a switch and became a speed demon. Not long after tho, they finally arrived at camp and after getting situated, everyone went to work preparing food. (Y/N) was put incharge of chopping the stuff inside the Curry as Kaiya help him.

Everyone watched in awe at the speed of the two siblings.

"Woah (Y/N)! When did you get so good with a knife!" Miyamura asked. Oh yeah, Forgot to mention him.

"Always been like this, since it's us two alone at home we alternate cooking."

"Yep! Big Bro is a blade wizz!" Kaiya said proudly, she was comfortable with Miyamura as she could tell he wasn't a threat, and he was with Hori so she just knew. Besides, he treats her like a little sister of his own. Which (Y/N) appreciates.

"Say Miyamura, I know christmas is a whiles away, but what are you and Hori doing?"

"I have the cake shop to help out with and i'm not sure what she'll be doing. Why?"

"Well, I wanted to have a christmas party with my closest friends. It would be Me and my two dumbass friends. Uesugi, Rin and who ever she brings, then the Quints. You're more than welcome to bring Hori as well."

"I'll get back to you on that, I got to go watch the rice!"

They waved as (Y/N) knicked his finger, nothing major. Not even blood. However, Itsuki noticed and ran over with a bandaid.

"(N/N)! Cover it with this!"

The bandaid was a pokeball pattern.

"You like Pokemon Itsuki?"

"Y-Yeah. . . Is that weird?"

(Y/N) chuckled "Not at all, It's one of our favorites to watch. Who's your favorite Pokemon?"

"I'd have to say. . . Shiny Helioptile, it's cute and it's shiny is red with yellow points like my star pins."

"It suits you, guess ours~" He teased.

"Kaiya, seems like a. . . Pichu kinda person."

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now