Chapter 6: Check-Mate!

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(Y/N) PoV

"W-Where am I?" I was looking around the unfamiliar area, I apparently dozed off for a bit and it was 6:00pm. Last I remember I was crying..... on Itsuki's... shoulder.





I sat up and noticed I was on Itsuki's bed, no one was around. I went over to her desk and noticed a small folded paper with my name on it.

(Y/N), If I'm not in here when you wake up, come downstairs. We are all waiting and we need to talk about something.

- Itsuki <3

"A Heart?" I thought, I walked out of the room and looked over the railing seeing Ichika and Miku on the couch playing Mario Kart, Yotsuba doing some light exercise on the balcony. I couldn't see Nino but I only assumed she was in the kitchen, and Itsuki was sitting at the dinner table. I saw her look up at me and smile.

"Hey sleeping Beauty. Are you feeling better?" She said, a slight tease at first but turned to a sincere tone. She was the one who knew the most about what had happened so far, to tell you frankly I don't know why I told her that, a lingering since of trust from long ago or maybe it was just her nurturing side. Either way I was happy she was so willing to help me.

"I feel a lot better, thank you Itsuki. I read the paper, it said you needed to talk to me?" I asked making my was downstairs. It was then I saw all the girls looking at me confused. Itsuki stood up and called a sister meeting around the table. Slowly but surely they all gathered, Nino being last as she was bringing cookies.

"I ment to say Nino, those cookies were delicious!" I noticed a small blush appear on her face as she seemed to cower a bit. "Good, jerk. I wish you could have had some when I was there to watch!" I sweatdropped, after this Itsuki gained a serious look while shoving a cookie in her mouth.

"(Y/N), You need to tell them. At least what you told me the other night, they have a right to know." I sighed, part of me figured as much. Itsuki seems like an honest girl who doesn't like secrets. "I know, you're right they do. But I keep that secret for a reason. Kaiya slipped up telling you that Itsuki that's why you know. I have a long history and it's not sunshine and rainbows. Me and her both do, so please. Give me time, once I feel ready I will reveal everything to you all."

I watched as they collectively sighed. "I understand, sorry (Y/N)." She apologized as I waved it off. "It's no biggie, I can tell you have a honest heart Itsuki. So don't apologize for it, how about this. I won't go into details but i'll say something to get you're brain turning." I could feel the cheeky smirk appearing on my face, I felt it was time to confuse them, after all, I am no Ordinary human.

"There is a secret to me and it involves these." I pointed to my white pupils, they all seemed stumped but I could tell it got in their heads. "I'll take my leave, I have to get home before Kaiya beats my ass again." I grabbed my helmet and proceeded to make my way to the garage.

3rd Pov

(Y/N) had left the apartment and the quint's where deep in thought at what just happened.

"What do you think he ment by that?" Ichika asked, seemingly intrigued. "I have no idea. This isn't a lot to go on." Miku retorted. Itsuki was sitting there, seemingly deep in thought. "Maybe he has super powers!" Yotsuba exclaimed. "This isn't some Wattpad story Yotsuba. This is reality, it's highly unlikely." Nino chimed in, seemingly being the voice of reason.

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now