Chapter 17: Mid-Terms!

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 Nino PoV

It was the night, tomorrow is the last day before the finals. Thanks to Uesugi being stupid I know that if we fail he's gone. But. . .  that's unsettling. I snuck out of my room and looked over the balcony. I saw (Y/N) sleeping like a baby in a hammock. I walked to the stairs when I heard a door open.

"Eh? Nino!" Itsuki whisper shouted, I shushed her as I pointed at (Y/N).  She looked and nodded, not wanting to wake him.

"Why are you awake!" I whispered, She seemed to shimmy in her place. "I-I wanted to check on (Y/N)..." I sighed at her response but giggled myself.

"Let's go check on him together." I smiled. We may be love rivals but she is my baby sister first and foremost. We crept out way to the hammock and smiled looking at the boy finally looking peaceful in his sleep. 

"Itsuki. . . Who ever passes. . .  Will be allowed to confess." I said, I knew it would be against my favor but I just felt it would be right. Seeing how close these two are, I'm okay with it.

"A-are you sure?" She seemed concerned. I just nodded and smiled, I could feel it was bitter sweet but I knew it was the right call. "I won't loose tho!" I retorted, I heard him grobble as we looked at him. We giggled and kissed his forehead as we made our ways to our rooms and got a good rest.

No PoV

It was morning and (Y/N) stretched as he raised out of my hammock. He looked around and noticed no one was awake yet so he decided to checked his phone and saw it was 6:30. 

"No wonder the sun was just now rising." He thought as he went and got some water and did a little light stretching. He went to his bag and grabbed his training clothes. The reason he wore these specific clothes is due to their increased weight and flexibility. He finished changing and went to the balcony and did a hefty workout, all while using his aura. 

"Release. 80%" He thought as he felt his body surge with power, but his muscles began to strain. He got on his hands and started by doing 1,000 handstand pushups. Which he managed to complete in about 15minutes as he moved on to situps and crunches, each at 1,000. Unknown to him however, he had spectators.

"W-Woah..." Nino said with a massive blush on her face, blood coming out of her nose as she quickly grabbed a tissue. 

"Y-Yeah... We've seen him shirtless but this just shows he put the work in." Itsuki said, trying to hold back her drool, also having a tissue in her nose to stop the blood. 

The two shook their heads as Itsuki sat at the table and Nino began to make breakfast, She made eggs benedict for herself, Itsuki, as well as Ichika who just arrived downstairs. After about 30-45 minutes it was done and she made her way to the balcony door.

"Darling~, breakfasts ready!" She said as he stood up and took the towel Nino had offered him. She smiled as she lead him inside and told him to quickly wash up. He nodded as he took his pair of clothes and went to take a quick shower. After about 15 minutes, he walked out in a black tshirt, light blue jacket and normal jeans. 

"Thanks for the meal!" They all prayed as they began to eat.

"You never get up this early Ichika. I'm kind of shocked." Itsuki said. (Y/N) blinked twice confused. 

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now