Chapter 22: Lost in Power 3

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Itsuki PoV

I watched at Nino and Vega fought, but I could tell she was outclassed. Thankfully whatever her power was managed to let her hold her own against him. I looked back to the cliff, saddened by what had just happened. 

"What the?" I thought, I looked back at my sister and Vega as they looked confused as well, looking towards the cliff. I followed their gaze and noticed gold and red lightning crackling into the sky. 


Vega looked fearful and pissed, I looked to the cliff again and saw a sihloette of someone floating over the edge, in one hand a revolver and the other a sword. It held both to it's side as a golden glow shined from it's eye and a golden clock appeared behind him.

"Let the fun begin shall we?" It said. It vanished and appeared behind Vega with the gun pointed at torso.

"ZAYIN!" It shot Vega who seemed to have his Color's inverted? He was frozen... The figure then proceeded to cut Vega's arms, hands, torso, anything non-vital. Vega soon returned to normal and collapsed due to the excessive cuts. 

"D'Li" Vega said as he shot himself, only to be kicked away by the figure. Soon the moon returned from behind the clouds and I could see who the figure was.

"(Y/N)!" Both me and Nino shouted as Nino returned to normal and stood beside me.

"Sorry I took so long. Now, sit back as I have him make sweat sweat love to the business end of this broadsword!" He cackled as he dashed at Vega.


(Y/N) had a devilish smile on his face as he held his weapons to his sides, his clock appearing behind him. His once green eye glowing bright red.

The two rushed eachother, (Y/N) readying his Gun as Vega did the same

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The two rushed eachother, (Y/N) readying his Gun as Vega did the same. 

(Note: Bold speach will be Zaphkiels bullets, Underlined will be Lucifugus Bullet's/Slashes)

"BET!/Arie!" Vega haulted moving as the bullet screeched through the space, (Y/N) smirked at his bullet collided with Vega's and slowed his bullet down. (Y/N) ran around it as Vega stopping his ability, only to get a blade in the shoulder and a foot to the face. (Y/N) pulled his blade out and shot Vega normally as well as cut off his arm holding the sword. Vega screamed in pain as (Y/N) kicked him in the stomach sending him flying.

"YEAH KICK HIS ASS DARLING!/(N/N)" The sisters screamed, (Y/N) smirked as he ran at Vega again. He pointed his gun at his own head and fired.

"HET!" When he fired, 4 other (Y/N)'s appeared and aimed their guns at Vega, who had a fearful look, they fired shooting his legs and arm as well as the nub the original (Y/N) caused. Vega tried to move but it didn't work. (Y/N) walked up to him as his clones sank into a reddish shadow. (Y/N) aimed his gun at Vega's head as he had been utterly defeated. 

"It only takes one bullet." (Y/N) stated, seemingly dropping the crazy act, his tone was much colder, almost as if he didn't want to.

"You ain't got the nerve." Vega said, chuckling as he knew (Y/N) was quoting one of their favorite movies.

"Try me." Vega smirked as he flipped (Y/N) off and got a bullet between his eyes. His body disintegrated into smoke leaving an eyepatch and black crystal. (Y/N) put the eye patch on over his golden clock eye as he put the crystal in his shadow storage. 

"Darling! You did it!" Nino tackled him into a hug. He chuckled as he picked her up and helped her stand. 

"Yep! Let's head back." He said as they walked towards the camp, but a thought crossed Itsuki's mind.

"Uhhhh. (Y/N)? How are you going to explain the blood..... and eyepatch." Itsuki said.

"Well, Threaten them maybe?" He said casually, causing the sister to sweatdrop. When they arrived, luckily no one saw them as they were all busy. He quickly changed as Nino and Itsuki waited for him to get showered and dressed. When he was done, he exited in the outfit Nino bought him before the trip. He summoned his pistol and aimed it at his head. 

"D-Darling, what are you doing." Nino said concerned, (Y/N) chuckled and explained. 

"Getting my memories back. Yud."  He shot himself as his head flicked to the side due to the recoil. He stood their as all his memories burst into his head all at once. He began to cry as he regained composure and walked over to the sisters. 

"I-I remember, our promise. . . . 

. . . Was that I'd make one of you my bride." 

They smiled as they both held his hand, but he embraced them into a hug, and proceeded to collapse due to the sheer exhaustion from using his powers. They giggles and tucked him into bed as Kaiya came into the room and smiled knowing he had won. Soon Tim, Jin, and Tayls entered and watched the sleeping boy.

"What's with the eyepatch?" Tim asked.

Nino smiled and moved it up as they saw the clock. Kaiya smiled as the other were fearful.

"No...." Tayls lead.

"Not that...." Jin stated.

"Zaphkiel, The Time Manipulating Angel." Tim finished.

"He finally awoke his power." Kaiya said, sitting on her brother bed and held his sleeping hand. 

She smiled as everyone left, Nino and Itsuki to go explain her powers to her sisters as Kaiya stayed by her brother's side, she laid next to him as she smiled and hugged her brother's arm.

"Hey sis." She looked behind her and saw one of the clones. 


"Yep. Well more like a tempral clone. I came to deliver this."

He held the black crystal. She took it as looked at him confused.

"If you accept that power you will be able to control space. The original  doesn't wish this but I know you can control it. If you want to help him in battle, take it in. If not. Shatter the crystal so no one can use it." 

She looked at it for a moment, before throwing it to the ground and shattering it with her boot.

"I'll have him to protect me. That I am fine with." 

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now