Chapter 15: Ultimatum / Counter!

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Nino PoV

*YAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWNNNNN* I groaned as I stretched, letting my body adjust to the early morning. I hadn't slept that good in years. I looked around and noticed Itsuki was still asleep but (Y/N) was no where to be found.

"Weird, I could have sworn he was here when we went to bed last night?" I muttered, checking the time to be 6:25am, I got up and took a quick shower. Afterwords I changed into my Uniform and shook Itsuki awake.

"Just five more minutes~" She was exhausted, I sighed and set an alarm for 5 minutes and left it by her ear. I left to head downstairs, thinking (Y/N) would be there cooking breakfast, but I saw Kaiya instead. 

"Good Morning Nino! I'm cooking an english breakfast for everyone!" She was chirpy. I smiled but was still curious. "I can't wait, have you seen (Y/N)? He wasn't in bed when I woke up." 

"Y-YOU SLEPT TOGETHER!?!" I realized she had no idea all three of us did, at least, I think? "N-NO I WENT TO CHECK ON HIM!" I quickly responded, not wanting to scare her with the thought of being an aunt yet. 

"O-Oh, good. I'm too young to be an aunty. But Big Bro is in his office, when I went to get water last night I saw him working away at his desk."

"Thank you Kaiya." I made my way to where I remembered his office was, when I arrived. I slowly crept the door open and found my darling asleep on his desk. I walked over to him to wake him up and noticed 3 things on his table:

1. A ripped up note that had the word "Vega" written on it.

2. What seemed to be blueprints for a female robot-like body.

3. A weird drawing of a clock.

 A weird drawing of a clock

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"ugh..... my back....." I looked at him as he was stirring awake, he raised his head and massaged his lower spine. I chuckled which got his attention.

"Good Morning Darling~!" I said as I smiled towards him. 

"N-NINO! Sorry I wasn't in bed, I couldn't sleep.... felt really awkward."

"It's okay darling~. Come, Kaiya said shes making English Brea-"


We sweatdropped as the alarm scared Itsuki awake. I helped him up and lead him to the kitchen where 4 plates were waiting for us. Soon Itsuki came down and seemed to hiss at me like a feral cat, but (Y/N) sighed and gave her a piece of break which she seemed to really enjoy. 


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Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now