Chapter 4: Fresh Beginnings!

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3rd Pov

"Hello, My name is Fuutaro Uesugi, and I'll be your tutor starting today. Let's all make studying fun and-" Finally realizing no-one was in there. Uesugi began screaming. "WHAT THE HELL! WHY IS NOBODY IN HERE!"

"Oi, no need to shout, tho I'm surprised it took you this long to realize." (Y/N) said nonchalantly as he sat his bag down and took a seat on the couch with Kaiya following suit. Who adamently remained quiet ever since Uesugi appeared from the stairwell. 

"I'm here! I'm Here!" The three whipped around to see Yotsuba running into the room with a tray of three waters. Which (Y/N) and Kaiya gratefully accepted. "Thank you Yotsuba." Both Kaiya and (Y/N) said in unison which made the fourth quint chuckle. However it was cut short by the other boy. 

"You're the one with the zero, it was Yotsuba right?" Uesugi stated which prompted a nervous laughter from the said girl. (Y/N) watched and noticed Kaiya was seemingly uneasy. He leaned closer and whispered to her. 

"Your still not comfortable around guys huh?" He asked, to which she nodded. He understood as he eyed Uesugi, his teal eyes seemingly gaining a small glow. He sighed and looked back at his sister. "His aura is normal, if anything it seems to be shut off. So there's nothing to worry about." He assured her to which she had a slight groan of unease. He knew during the years after their parent's passed, alot of the guys in her schools made fun of her not only cause of her close relationship to her brother. But as kids do, make fun of things they don't understand are impactful. One of which being her hair and eyes as they were quite unique. The two had a rare genetic mutation in which they had a perfect combination of their parent's eyes resulting in their unique peircing iris's, not to mention their hair seeing as their father had charcoal hair and their mother had white hair. "Remember, I'm here. He's paid to tutor those five, I'll be helping you as well. So don't worry to much." He gave her a smile and pat her head gently. 

"Yotsuba, can I hug you?" (Y/N) shot his gaze back to his partner with a skeptic look. Yotsuba quickly changing topic like a pro. "Let's go and round up the other girl's shall we! Come on (Y/N)!" 

"You all go on ahead, I'm going to get her situated and have her begin a few problems." He said, pointing to his sister. The two seemingly understood as they went upstairs. (Y/N) instructed his sister to pull out her text books as well as her earpiece. He did the same and he had her begin her homework. She brought out a swanky laptop as well. Kaiya being much like her brother, was exceptionally talented for her age and was working on entry level college courses. She could be a 3rd year in highschool with her intellegence, so she had a legit excuse to start highschool. Unlike her brother who's doing it on a whim to understand highschool experiences. After she had began working, he noticed someone standing behind them. More specifically, a quint with butterfly ribbons.

"Hard at work (N/-(Y/N)." She seemed to correct herself. Which didn't go un-noticed by (Y/N) who once again. Felt a pulse in his cranium. "Yeah, I'm helping her understand some equations. By the way, what's with Miku's jacket?"

"I didn't want to get my outfit dirty. And what equations, I may not be the best student but first year stuff shouldn't be too hard." (Y/N) only chuckled nervously as he moved so she could see the Einstein hard at work on her college course. "Yeah nevermind." She said, clearly having gears stop moving. "Anyway I'm going to make some cookies, any preference on flavor?" 

"Raspberry if possible." 

She only nodded as she went into the kitchen. He soon heard some commotion upstairs and just returned his attention to his sister. Who was still struggling with an equation. "Need some help?" His sister looked at him like he was a savior. "YES! How the HELL do I do this!" She exclaimed which made (Y/N) chuckle a little. He walked her through the problem step by step making sure she understood each way to do it so she had mulitple options. They continued their little lesson as one by one, all the quint's, even Itsuki sat down at the table. Nino bringing the cookies she baked in serving dishes. 

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now