Chapter 21: Lost in Power 2

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(Y/N) PoV

(Y/N) walked out of the forest and into a clearing near the cliff. He looked around and seemed to understand the gist of what Vega was playing at.

"I'M CALLING YOU OUT!" (Y/N) shouted, he heard chuckling as Vega walked out of the forest slowly clapping.

"Rango? Really?" He said, a creepy yet confident smile on his face. 

"Let's get this done VEGA." (Y/N) said as he started to circle Vega, with his opponent following suit. They two drew their swords as they continued to pace. Slowly reaching for their pistols, as they both were ready to draw, they stopped as the cliff was between them and the moon was showing through the clouds as a perfect backdrop. 

The two quickly drew their pistols and each shot 3 rounds, the bullets collided as they charged forward. Each pace they shot again. and again. and again. Each bullet bouncing off eachother, when they were in reach they went to slash as their blades connected. (Y/N) tried to blast Vega in the stomach but his hand was kicked away as they made distance, (Y/N) deflected Vega's current barrage of bullets with his blade as one scrapped by and hit his ear. Blood started to run down his head but he shook it off. He didn't need to hear, only see.

(Y/N) would be more than happy to live deaf, if it meant Vega didn't get to live at all. He steadied his breath and rushed Vega, releasing his aura to 75%. Vega not ready for it got a big ol'pistol whip and a bullet to the leg. Vega powered through and spit blood, blasting (Y/N) in the foot. (Y/N) collapsed as Vega kicked him away. (Y/N) rolled back to his feet and used his aura as a brace to keep his foot working.

"Not bad (Y/N). But your sloppy, I used to never land a hit on you."

"We only every fought serious once Vega."

"Right, and this isn't serious? WHERES THAT POWER WHEN YOU TOOK MY ARM HUH?!?! WHAT ABOUT THAT!?!"


The two rushed each other clashing blades back and forth. Each strike more fierce and sharper than the last. Each one getting an occasional cut or two.

The two screamed as they both released their powers, Both maxing out at 100% power

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The two screamed as they both released their powers, Both maxing out at 100% power. Their blades clashed and created shockwaves breaking the trees and the ground beneath them. They clashed once more and their blades broke. Both of their guns were out of ammo, so it was a fist fight. (Y/N) and Vega ran towards eachother, Vega landing a right hook while (Y/N) landed a ribshot. The two continued back and forth, as they each bleed more and more. They eventually gained distance as they repeated their scene from earlier. However Vega began to chuckle.

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now