Chapter 16: Karaoke!

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I was waiting in the lobby for my assistant to bring me an overnight bag Kaiya had packed for me. Somehow she just knew this was going to happen... questions for later. I watched as the car pulled up and Candece walked out holding my duffle bag. 

"Hello Boss. Here's the bag you requested." She said, clearly ticked off. 

"Thank you Candle."

"It's Candece!"

"Not when you barely work it isn't." I said as I was turning to leave, I heard her mumble curses under her breath as I sighed, I checked to see if my special item was on here and low and behold, it was. 

My revolver. 

"Now if he does appear, I'm ready." I thought as I waited for the elevator. Once I was back upstairs I was watching as Itsuki and Nino were arguing over something. 

"Clearly My room is the better choice! Your's is too pink!"

"Oh yeah! Well at least mine has better sheets!"

"What's going on?" I asked walking next to Ichika and Miku. 

"They are arguing over what room you will stay in tonight." Miku sweatdropped as I sighed. 

"You're probably gonna tell them you're sleeping on the couch tonight. Aren't you?" Ichika chimed in to which I just nodded and walked up to them.

"Good, (Y/N). We need you to settle something." Nino said crossing her arms. 

"Which room do you want to stay in? Mine or Nino's!" Itsuki said, clenching both hands infront of her.

"I choose, NEITHER! I'm staying on the couch." I said louder than intended, but I was clearly ticked off. 

"B-But you're our guest!"

"Yeah it's not right for you to stay there."

"What I said is final, Understand." I said as I loomed over them menacingly.

" I said as I loomed over them menacingly

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"Y-Yes sir." They both said in unison. 

"Good, I'm going to take a shower, I'll only be a minute." I said as I walked into the bathroom. I placed my duffle bag in the dry area and sat on the stool after letting my hair down. I let the water run over me as I sighed in relaxation. I massaged my head with the shampoo I packed as well as my conditioner. After that I used my Dr.Squatch soap bar and scrubbed all the dirt off. Finally I relaxed in a drawn bath, it wasn't as big as mine but it was still decently spacious. As I fully relaxed myself I heard the door open. 

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now