Chapter 12: Fireworks 3 (Ichika)

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No Pov

Jin talking with Ichika as she awaited for her agent Oda. Jin and Oda had met before as they worked on stuff in the past. Which lead to his relationship with Ichika.

"When are we going to tell them?" Jin asked as Ichika sighed. "I know I wouldn't ask but now it's just me and you."

"I didn't want to say anything until after this Audition. Even tho I'm confident since you helped me with my smile and it's been genuine since we became a thing. I don't want to risk a bad omen with Nino placing a curse on us." She sweatdropped as Jin hung his body in a 'seriously' mannor, Kinda like Vegito Blue from an episode of Dragonball he watched. He sighed as they made their way to a bus stop as they continued to sit their and wait. "Do you need help going over your lines?" 

"Nah, I know I have this! We practiced alot last night, and not just the script." She winked at him as she licked her lips. Causing Jin to blush and turn away. Ichika jiggled and took her boyfriends hand in hers. "If I get this part, how about I treat you for once." She said sincerely, Jin smiled and nodded. Not long after that the car pulled up as Jin gave her a quick kiss for good luck.

- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- 

Jin was sitting on a bench outside of the audition's address. When he noticed Ichika walk out he waved at her. "Well?"

She smiled with tears in her eyes as she gave him a slight nod, him knowing she got the role she really wanted. He gave her a hug as she kissed him passionatly. They waved by to Oda as they walked to a location Jin failed to mention to her. 

"Where are we going?"

"To see everyone, they are at a nearby park."

"B-But why?"

"You told me before that this was important to you all. I wasn't going to let you miss it." 

She looked in disbelief as they entered a clearing at a nearby part and saw Nino hugging (Y/N) as Itsuki was pouting and running to hug him as well.

"Glad you could make it Ichika, Hope you got the role you wanted." (Y/N) said to which she went wide eyed and pouted at her boyfriend. "You ass you promised you wouldn't tell!"

"I didn't"

"Ichika, I own the film studio. . ." (Y/N) deadpanned as Ichika was in shock, along with the other quints minus Itsuki who just roles with it. 

"Explain (Y/N)!"

"Well. . .  You all know how I have unreleased CosmaTech stuff. . .  It's because I'm kinda sorta, the Owner and Main inventor of CosmaTech." He sweatdropped as they were all flabborgasted, bamboozled even. 

"Anyway, I-I'm really sorry I bailed on you guys." Ichika said as (Y/N)'s revelation negated ALL tension. They all hugged their big sister as they went to the fireworks but Jin placed his hand on Ichika's and Nodded.

"U-Um, everyone. Theres one more thing." Ichika was nervous and that was apparent. "Jin and I... have been dating for the past year."

"A YEAR!!!!!!!/A FUCKING YEAR!!!!!!" The group exclaimed with (Y/N) and Timmy being far louder and much more vulgar. 

The two held hands as they bowed together in apologize for keeping it a secret for so long. Everyone sighed as they did their firework ritual as the boys talked. It was eventful, but It was fun.

Lost Memories (Nino Nakano x Male Reader x Itsuki Nakano)Where stories live. Discover now