11- Mission

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Song~ idk the song name but look at the video, sorry😭

It's now Friday and I have been suspended for two days so far

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It's now Friday and I have been suspended for two days so far. Today is my third day of suspension but I'm not complaining.

Lucian and Antonio are visiting his Grandma from his mother's side as she was always a sweet lady to Lucian and Tony. They should be coming back tomorrow or the day after.

Today is the day I am going to kill Shadow-Hunter. A stupid fucking assassin for the Russians.

I can't wait to kill this bitch, it's been a while.

Okay I sound psycho.

It's currently 6:00 AM, I got two hours of sleep last night and a horrible nightmare. Rolling out of bed I walk to the shower.

I'll just go to my closet after I shower. I shower, washing my body and hair. When I'm done with my shower and smell like coconuts, I dry off and then brush my teeth.

When I'm done in the bathroom, I walk to my closet with a towel wrapped around me. Walking into my closet I find an oversized shirt and some sweatpants, I also throw on some crocs because I'm just chilling today before my mission tonight.

After putting on some jewelry and my outfit I go downstairs.

In the kitchen, it's the same as usual thing, Sebastian and Domenico doing work, Elijah is cooking. Ares with a protein shake, Luca is drawing, Matteo is asleep on the counter, and Giavanna is still getting ready.

"Good morning Diovanna, how did you sleep?" Elijah asks all cheery. I give a thumbs up sitting down on a stool and pulling out my phone.

According to Shadow-Hunters text he should be at the club for 22:00, Ten PM. I need to have my wig and makeup on and be there for 9:45 to make sure I'm there before him.

"Diovanna, what are you doing today?" Elijah questions trying to start a conversation with me. 'Nothing' I sign.

I'm not going to try and start a relationship with them. I'll get hurt in the end and I don't want that.

They hurt me once, it'll happen again.

'I'm going to my room' I sign before leaving the kitchen.

Why did I come down in the first place?

Why did I come down in the first place?

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