38- Five Days (2)

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Song~ Right Here by Chase Atlantic

SMUT WARNING- if you don't like smut please skip.

SMUT WARNING- if you don't like smut please skip

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We walk out the restaurant and over to the car. No words have been exchanged since we left the building but I don't think anything needs to be said.

I mean maybe we should talk about not stabbing people? Neh.

I spot something out the corner of my eye as we walk towards the car. I turn my head fully to see what it reads.

Lazer Tag, Mini Golf, Arcade games.
Open 24 hours

The place looks abandoned- no lights or anything on.

"Can we go there?" I point to the abandoned looking game place. "Please." I add.

I turn to Nikolaos who looks at me amused, "That place looks abandoned." He states what I had just thought.

I laugh because we thought the same thing.

"I know, but we can go see if it's open." I state.

He raises his eyebrows at me, "breaking and entering όμορφο κορίτσι?" He clicks his tongue. "Didn't know you were so bad."

I shake my head at him, "We kill people all the time, a little breaking and entering won't hurt."

With that I walk over to Nik, take the keys out of his hand and hop in the drivers side. When he doesn't follow I honk the horn and he grumbles before finally getting in the car.

I smile triumphantly at him while pulling out the parking lot and beginning to drive over to the game place I saw.

"Are you su-" I glare at him.

"Shut up."

"Yes ma'am."

I nod in approval as a blush makes its way to my cheeks. I clear my throat before speaking, "we're here." I state getting out the car as Nikolaos does the same.

I lock the car door as we begin to make our way to the building in front of us. Nik snakes one hand around my waist pulling me closer to him.

Nik pulls on the surprisingly open door and leads me inside. Turns out this place isn't abandoned- some guy in a uniform is sleeping in the chair behind the desk.

I knock on the desk the man sits behind causing his eyes to snap open and focus his attention on us.

This dude is definitely high.

"Uh- yes how can I help you." He asks taking long pauses between words and rubbing his eyes.

I look at the paper taped to the desk.

$15 - Lazer tag
$15 - Mini golf
$15 - Arcade
$45 - All

"I want all." I state going into my black purse and grabbing a fifty dollar bill. "Keep the change."

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