1- Police?

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Song~ Never Felt so Alone - Labrinth and Billie Eilish

I do a round house kick effectively knocking out a few teeth and knocking out James

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I do a round house kick effectively knocking out a few teeth and knocking out James. James is a complete asshole who actually fucking enjoys being in this hell hole. I have no clue why.

This place is shit.

I get out of the ring I was just sparing in and grab a towel wiping the sweat from my face when Mrs. Lucia comes over and smacks me across the face. My head whips to the side and the familiar metallic taste fills my mouth.

"You may be our best assassin but remember your place Dove. We own you. Did we tell you that you could step out of the ring?" She asks but before I can shake my head no, she beats me to it.

"No, I don't think so. Since you can't seem to follow simple orders, you are going to the pit." She spits with venom. This makes my eyes widen the slightest, the pit is dangerous, really fucking dangerous.

I nod while gritting my teeth.

She roughly grabs my arm in a death grip, yanking me towards the pit.

The pit is a giant hole in the ground. Literally.

Lucia or any of the guards can leave you here for days sometimes even two weeks with no food. You can drink water from the puddles down there to survive. But staying down here isn't even the worst thing, they get rapist, abusers, and ex-gang members down here. If you don't fight them off- no matter how dehydrated or starved you are- they'll do whatever they want to you.

I learned that the hard way.

Lucia throws me in the pit, literally throws me down the hole. luckily for me, I land on my feet though.

Am I secretly spider man?

In the blink of an eye- before I can even look around- I'm tackled to the ground, a man on top of me trying to hold me down. He is straddling me so I have the perfect position to knee him in his two inch dick. And that's exactly what I do.

He lets go of my wrist while I crawl out from under him.

Damn this hoe is fucking fat. Pot belly looking ass.

He grabs my ankle when I manage to get out from under him, pulling me back by my leg. I kick his face with my other foot effectively earning a crack from what I assume was his nose.

I stand to my full 5'7 height and kick the man in the stomach while he was holding his nose.

While he is distracted with the pain, I go behind him and grab his head twisting it with full force snapping his neck.

Gosh that was hard cause he weighs so dam much.

I go to sit down and rest but I hear shouting and yelling from above me. Looking up I see people running and grabbing things. What the hell is going on?

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