39- Four Days

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Song~ Do I Wanna Know by Artic Monkeys

Tw: Smut

Nikolaos slams me against the wall of the hotel kissing me passionately

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Nikolaos slams me against the wall of the hotel kissing me passionately.

His hands roaming my body falling to the back of my thighs. After our little activity in the car, Nikolaos gave me his jacket and we went to our hotel room.

His shirt was already discarded somewhere on the floor as my hands roamed his chest while his continued to explore my body.

It's gonna be a long night.

Nik squeezes my thighs indicating for me to jump- which I do.

He carries me placing me on the bed before getting on top of me, never breaking our kiss. When his hand makes its way to my dress- I stop him.

"Not so fast όμορφο αγόρι." I breathe breaking our kiss. "I'm in charge." With that I flip us over so I'm on top and he is under me, him laying on his back on the bed.
[pretty boy]

Nikolaos smirks at me, scooting back and leaning against the headboard- his eyes locked on mine.

"Whatever you say love." Nikolaos says raising his eyebrows at me before looking at his lap signaling for me to come closer.

I slowly take the straps of my dress off before the rest of my dress and sliding it off till it layed on the floor leaving me in my red lingerie.

I climbed onto Nikolaos's lap, straddling, him- seating myself on his clothed dick when his hands went to touch my ass.

"No touching." I mumble while I pull his hands away from me, pinning them on the bed. He glares at me intensely watching my movements.

He scoffs, "I need to touch you." He breathes out almost whining as if not touching me pains him.

I move my hands to his waistband while I start kissing his neck. "Mhm, you can touch me when I say you can touch me." I state between the kisses I leave down his neck. "Now, may I." I refer to my hands fiddling with his belt.

"γαμώ, yes." He says throwing his head back, his adam's Apple bobbing up and down.

I undid his belt before quickly taking both of  Nikolaos wrists and tied them to the headboard- his hands unable to touch me.

His head snaps back to me, "Diovanna." He warns but I pay him no mind. "Untie my hands."

"I'm in charge, love. Now lift your hips." I demand tapping his hips.

He complies, rolling his eyes but following my request nonetheless. I pull his trousers and boxers down easier. I throw his clothes somewhere on the ground as I latch my lips on his neck.

I find the sweet spot on his neck causing a whimper to fall from his beautiful lips.

I continue to kiss down his neck, to his collarbone, down his chest, all the way down to his V-line.

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