36- Ice Cream

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Song~ Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots
(A/N: I know this song is old but I LOVE twenty one pilots)

Song~ Stressed Out - Twenty One Pilots(A/N: I know this song is old but I LOVE twenty one pilots)

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The sunlight awakens me from a much needed slumber.

I open my eyes only to shut them and face my head the other way- away from the window. The pillow my head is resting on vibrates as a deep chuckle sounds throughout the room.

I lift my head and glance up only to see it's Nikolaos so I just put my head back down and snuggle further into his chest.

I feel him chuckle even more, "όμορφο κορίτσι, come on, get up. I'm making breakfast." He explains.

I groan- I always sleep better when I'm with him. My 2-3 hours of sleep turn into 5maybe even 6 sometimes.

Although, Nik does make good bacon.

I lift my head to look at him, "you making bacon?" He smiles at me.

"Whatever my όμορφο κορίτσι wants." He responds.

My pretty girl.


My stomach flutters at his words and I lift my body off of his and make my way to get out of bed before he pulls me towards him by my waist.

"Is MY pretty girl blushing?" He mocks emphasizing the 'my'.

I only try to hide my face more.

"She is." He states amusingly.

I grab one of the many pillows on his bed and in a swift motion swing it at his face. His head moves at the impact as he probably did not expect me to do that.

I slowly start to back away off the bed as Nikolaos glares at me while grabbing one of the other pillows.

"Nik..." I start as he begins to get off the bed- an evil glint in his eyes. "We can settle this! I'm sorry okay!!" I try but to no avail- he runs after me with his pillow in hand.

I immediately take off down the hallway with Nik right on my heels. I slide down the railing of the stairs creating some distance between Nikolaos and I before running to the living room.

I stand on one side of the couch with my pillow in hand as Nikolaos does the same on the other side of the couch.

"Nikolaos, we can talk about this! Okay?" I plead as we both start to circle the couch keeping an even distance between us.

He circles the back side of the couch while I circle the front to stay away from him.

He just smirks at me while we circle the couch one more time before he jumps over the couch catching me by surprise. A small screech leaves my lips as he throws his pillow at me before tackling me to the floor.

I knee him in the gut and flip us over but it doesn't last long as he wraps his leg around mine and twists it and then flips us back over so he is on top.

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