34- Killed Her

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Song~ Cults - Glided Lily

Song~ Cults - Glided Lily

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"No! Stop! Don't touch her!" Rylee shouts as they chain us both up to the ceiling.

"Stop! It was my fault! She didn't do anything!" She continues to shout at Mrs. Lucia and Aleksei.

Mrs. Lucia smirks at Rylee, "since she didn't do anything, your punishment is to watch as we punish her. You get to live with the guilt." Is all Mrs. Lucia says.

We had decided we were hungry, so while Lucian was asleep in the group room we all shared with about twenty other kids, we snuck out and made our ways to the kitchen.

Lucian had told us not too, he thought we would get caught- oh how we should have listened.

When Rylee and I had got our hands on some bread and chips, we had took a bite from the chips. But the second we did- Mrs. Lucia and Aleksei walked into the room.

When they realized what we were doing, Aleksei smirked at us, but Mrs. Lucia was fuming.

They had dragged us to the punishment room and now we were being chained to the ceiling, both of us shouting at them to let the other go.

We both knew this beating would be bad. No other kids had ever had the guts to try and steal food from the kitchen- and we were about to find out why.

"You two ungrateful brats!" Mrs. Lucia starts. "You think you can just leave your cell and do whatever the hell you want?" She questions rhetorically.

I shake my head repeatedly. "No! No that's not it!" My eight year old self shouts in full panic mode.

This school is worse than my own father.

"Good, since you have so much to say Diovanna," she spits my name in disgust. "Why don't we get on with your punishment now." My whole body shakes in pure fear, fear of what they are about to do to me.

"Would you like to do the honor?" Mrs. Lucia asks Aleksei.

No, no, no please.

I turn my head over to Rylee who has a fearful expression on her face, only the fear she holds is not for her, but for me.

"Of course." He replies, a wide smile adoring his face. "I have to start teaching my future wife the rules now." They both laugh evilly at the sentence while I grimace.

I will never be this vile creatures wife.

I'm not exactly sure how old Aleksei is but he can't be less than ten years older than me.

I watch as Aleksei grabs a whip off the table. My eyes widen in more fear.

"You've been a bad girl, haven't you?" He asks now turning towards me. I only nod my head in hopes that if I play along he may leave me alone.

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