26- Threat

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Song~ Hotel - Montell Fish

The second the guards see me they immediately open the gates so I can get into the mansion property

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The second the guards see me they immediately open the gates so I can get into the mansion property.

They nod in greeting and I nod back.

I make it to the front door and receive a sad smile from Paul and Randy. I give them both a nod before opening the door and stepping inside.

No one is in the kitchen or the living room since the lights are off, which I am grateful for. I head upstairs to my room.

However, the second I walk upstairs Giavanna just has to walk down the stairs. She stops upon seeing my presence.

"Hey, You're back." She states giving me a small small smile.

I roll my eyes, "yes, I am." I mutter before continuing to walk up the stairs. Suddenly a hand wraps itself around my arm stopping me from walking further.

I turn my head to her glaring at her hand on my arm. She still doesn't move it. "Look, it's good for you that you are back here I guess and I'm really happy to see you..." she pauses her well put together fake speech. "Just don't tell anyone what I did all those years ago." She tells me, her tone harsher than the sentence before.

I scoff, "and if I do?" I question a mischievous smile on my face.

"Look, just don't. I'll make your life hell, and believe me, I could do it." She says, trying to scare me.

Key word: trying.

I chuckle darkly. "Oh sweetheart." I mock. "My life is already hell, you can do nothing to me Gia. So if I want to tell them what you did, I will." I tell her, a grin settled on my face.

She rolls her eyes, "whatever you say Dio." She mocks like I previously did. "But don't cross a line that can't be uncrossed. I'm not kidding about my threat, don't say a word to them about that day." She says before walking away.

I scoff for what feels like the thousandth time today before heading up to my room.

I manage to make it to my room without running into anyone, however Lucian is in my room just laying on my bed reading one of my books.

Who does he think he is?

Your best friend obviously.


"You're in my room." I state walking in to my closet.

"I am." He says simply, still laying on my bed. This bitch, if he wasn't my best friend.

I finally pick out an outfit and walk out the closet to find Lucian sitting upright on the bed and the book neatly discarded to the side.

When Lucian sees me he gets off the bed and wraps me in his embrace. Lucian and I are not the touchy type of friends, we only hug when we haven't seen each other in like a week or something is wrong.

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