20- Caught

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Song~ Dead Man - David Kushner
⚠️TW mention of violence⚠️

I sit on the couch across from who I can now fully see is Amara, Alessia, Aria, and Elena

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I sit on the couch across from who I can now fully see is Amara, Alessia, Aria, and Elena. what the hell are they doing here?

'Where do I start?' I sign, I don't know how to begin this conversation.

"How about you tell us how your Dove, the fucking assassin everyone fears!" Elena says, excitement laced her tone.

'Don't sound too happy, it's not a pretty story.' I say and her face drops.

'I didn't become an assassin by choice, more like I was forced to become a trained killer and now I'm using that training to my benefits' I explain honestly.

"You were forced to become an assassin?! By who? What happened?" Aria asks frantically.

'My father was a horrible man, he shouldn't even be called my father. He knew what would happen if he sent me to that school, and he sent me away anyway' I tell her.

I feel Nikolaos's gaze on me but I pay no mind, he can ask me questions later.

"So, your father sent you away to a secret assassin school. Why? Because he saw you looking at files?!" Amara asks, anger lacing her tone.

'I wasn't even the one caught looking through the files. The person who was caught just told him that it was me, so he took me and shipped me off to a school located on enemy territory' I tell her honestly.

'What did he expect to happen? Hell, he- never mind. Anything else?' I ask wanting this to be over with.

Amara and Alessia give me a questioning look but drop it.

"Do you know who was actually looking through the files?" Amara questions. I nod. "Why don't you tell Sebastian and clear your name, you know? Grandfather would leave you alone!" She tells me.

I shake my head, not yet.

She sighs but nods her head nonetheless.

"You were on a mission tonight?!" Aria shouts.

I nod.

"Who did you kill?" Alessia questions.

I take a glance at Casandra, Atlas, and then Nikolaos. 'The Devil Twins' I reply. I hear Elena and Aria gasp.

"Diovanna, you know what this means right" Amara asks, calm as ever.

'I know, I have a target on my back now. He isn't the first person I've killed of the Russians since I've come back' I explain to her, looking out the window at the stars.

"Diovanna, this is dangerous-" Amara starts.

'You don't think I know that! You think that I'm killing them for no reason?! You know nothing of what they have done to me, so leave it.' I say fed up of them thinking I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

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