2- Say What Now?

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Song ~ Daylight - David Kushner

My dumb fuck of a father just had to die five years ago leaving me to deal with all this mafia shit

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My dumb fuck of a father just had to die five years ago leaving me to deal with all this mafia shit. Gosh I hate that man.

He was a pretty good dad when our mother was alive but when she passed due to the unexpected birth of Diovanna because it was too much for her body, he became cold distant. Hell I ended up taking care of Diovanna most of the time because our father hated a baby.

How do you hate a damn baby? It wasn't her fault you had unprotected sex.

He always neglected her so I tried to make up for it. He adored Giavanna, we all do. She is sweet and caring, she misses her sister.

We don't even think it was Diovanna who went through the files, it was probably someone against our mafia and framed Diovanna because they knew our father didn't like her.

Our father had no right to be that way to her. Now even after our father's death the school still won't allow me to take her out of it.

I've had my men look into the school and everything but it always comes out clean. To clean.

I've been looking into the head masters of the school and the staff members but nothing unusual ever happens.

I'm interrupted from my self-pity party by my phone ringing. I pick up my work phone and answer.

"Capo, abbiamo un problema con il Russians. abbiamo trovato un topo" one of my head men at the warehouses states.
[Boss, we have a problem. We found a rat]

"sarò lì tra dieci minuti!" I say through the phone, getting up and going to my car.
[I'll be there in ten minutes!]

Just like I said I'm there ten minutes later, I was there.

I walk through the double doors where i see guards stationed in different areas. When my men see me they nod in respect while I just give a quick-stern nod as greeting. Respect goes both ways, I will not just ignore my men.

Upon seeing my head guard, I walk up to him. "Where is the rat?" I question, face void of any emotion.

"Down the haul, tied to a chair. I'll show you" he states leading me down the hallway toward the rat.

He makes it down the hallway opening a door and walking in. I stand in front of a man who has been here for maybe a year or two.

Earning trust, smart.

"We caught him stealing money and giving it to the Russians." My head guard speaks breaking the silence.

I nod in understanding before turning back to the man who is not even trying to hide how scared he is. Trembling hands, quivering lips, and tears in his eyes. Pathetic.

"Show me the footage." My voice comes out harsh and cold.

My men immediately obey my demand and pull up the security footage from the docs. When I'm sure the man in front of me is a rat, I turn towards him.

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