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Song~ Girl With One Eye - Florence & The Machine.

"Have you found anything Dante?" I ask, so far we have nothing

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"Have you found anything Dante?" I ask, so far we have nothing. The footage in the kitchen of the attack was gone and no one, not even Luca could get it back.

However, the cameras on the outside of the mansion showed a man enter through the kitchen window. The video caught a glimpse of his face so we have been running his half face picture through database recognition for the past two days.

So far, it came up with nothing.

"No, it's like he doesn't even exist." Dante answers annoyed. Fuck.

I sigh, "okay. Let me know if any updates, I'm gonna go check on Diovanna." I tell them, without waiting for a reply I leave my office.

It's about 2:00 AM so everyone who isn't in my office, should be asleep.

Making my way to the hospital wing of the house, a couple guards nod to me in greeting and I nod back.

I reach Diovanna's room and quietly open the door before stepping in. However, to my horror, the hospital bed where my sister once was, is now empty.

I immediately flip the light switch on seeing a piece of paper placed on the bed. Amara wakes up with a groan, seeing the bright lights but I pay no mind and grab the note off the bed.

I open it. 'I was not kidnapped, I'm safe and with a friend. I have something to take care of.' It reads. I swear to gosh that if someone made her wri-. At the bottom I read, 'Ps: no I was not forced to write this, I'm fine.'

What the fuck?

I smack Lucian and Luca on the back of the head, effectively waking there dumbasses up before kicking Matteo- who is on the floor- in the leg.

Matteo groans but sits up.

"Where the hell is Diovanna?" I ask, deathly calm. To calm.

It is now that all four of the people in this room turn to the bed. Amara quickly stands up and checks the bathroom.

"She isn't there, she left a note." I shout to her. She comes back in the room a second later snatching the note. "Fuck." I hear her mutter under her breath.

I would scold her but right now isn't the time. Does Diovanna even realize she is in so much danger right now? She just got out of a damn coma!

I look over at Lucian who hasn't said a word this whole conversation. He looks... unbothered. He knows something.

"Where is she?" I exclaim, directed towards Lucian.

He looks at me unfazed, "I don't know, ask Diovanna." He says, sarcasm lacing his tone while he shrugs his shoulders.

"Are you not worried in the slightest? I don't even think she understands how much danger she is in!" I tell him. He just chuckles.

"Believe me, she knows exactly how much danger she is in. She just simply doesn't care. And second of all, I have a feeling she isn't alone right now so please, let me sleep in peace." He says before resting his head back on Luca's shoulder.

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