3- Silent

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Song~ Skin and Bones - David Kushner

I follow Sebastian, Domenico, and Ares out to there black Audi r8

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I follow Sebastian, Domenico, and Ares out to there black Audi r8. Sebastian sat in the drivers seat while Domenico sat in the passenger seat. Me and Ares sat in the back.

I slide in to the car and lean my head on the window, closing my eyes even if I won't be able to sleep.

Stupid fucking Insomnia.

I feel the car stop and I open my eyes to see a black jet on the air strip. I remember how rich they are.

Opening my car door I step out the car shutting the door softly. We're probably heading to Italy, that's where they live if I remember correctly.

I notice the three amigos looking at me but I pay no mind and keep my blank expression on and start walking towards the jet. When I reach the steps I turn around to see them just standing there looking at me.

I raise my eyebrows at them and tilt my head in silent question of 'what the fuck are you doing?' You know?

This seems to snap them out of their trance like state as they start walking so I turn back around and walk up the stairs sitting in a seat against the window.

The three amigos walk on the plane and sit at the table across the isle across from me taking out lap tops, probably doing mafia crap.

I turn to Ares reaching across the isle tapping his shoulder. His head whips to me so fast I thought he got whiplash. He raises an eyebrow at me.

'Where is your father?' I sign. He just looks at me confused as fuck. I roll my eyes and turn to Sebastian and Domenico who were already looking at me with curious faces.

He is no father to me.

'Where is your father?' I sign again but they look just as confused as Ares. I sigh and lean back in my seat resting my head on the window.

A minute later I feel a presence in front of me. I open one eye glancing at Sebastian in front of me before closing my eyes again.

Then I hear something slide on the table. Opening my eyes and looking down, there is a paper and pen. Furrowing my eyebrows at Sebastian, he answers.

"Say what you wanted, our other brother Elijah understands sign language so he can talk to you, but for now talk with the paper." And he walks back to his original seat.

I take a glance at my oldest brother, the brother who watched our father pull me away, throw me in a car, and send me away.

He didn't do anything. He could have called Grandma. He could have called one of my uncles from mom's side. Anyone, but no.

Quickly dismissing my thoughts, I write down my original question and pass it to them. They all look at it for a moment, then look at each other, and then look at me.

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