33- Why?

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Song~ Elastic Heart - Sia (I already used this song but it fits this chap better so I changed it)

Song~ Elastic Heart - Sia (I already used this song but it fits this chap better so I changed it)TW⚠️⚠️

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I take a deep breath and think about the situation.

Arabella must have sensed the change in the atmosphere because she begins to ask questions. "Arabella, that wasn't a regular shot." I pause. "They put a tracker in you." I explain hesitantly, honestly.

If it were me I would want to know the truth.

Her eyes widen and her breathing picks up. "Why would they do that? They know where i am? Dove please don't let them take me! I dont want to go back!" She rambles on. Her breathing picks up even faster and if I don't calm her down she will have a panic attack.

"Arabella I need you to breathe, calm down you're okay." I reassure her.

She doesn't respond.

It's like she can't hear me. I'm not sure if physical touch would help her in a panic attack, sometimes it can make people panic more. Physical touch helps me calm down during a panic attack, even if I'm not huge on physical touch- it brings me the love I once longed for when I was a child.

Fuck it.

I gently place my arm around her shoulders and pull her body towards me so she is resting against my chest. "Listen to my heart beat, try to match it." My arms rest tightly around her.

It took her sometime but she calmed down. Her breathing had slowed and her tears had stopped, she still remained leaning against me- her arms wrapped around me like she was holding on for dear life.

I know she is tired but if we don't get this tracker, they will forever know where she is.

"Arabella, I know you're tired, but we have to take the tracker out. I promise it will be quick." I feel her nod against but makes no move to get up.

I try to stand but she immediately holds me tighter. "Please don't leave me, they always leave me alone. I don't want to be alone." Arabella cry's.

"I'm not leaving, we're just going to a different part of the house. Come on, I'll carry you." I tell her.

She finally agrees and I situate her on my hip and she rests her head on my shoulder. I nod for Lucian to follow me before making my way to the kitchen. Lucian opens the door for me and I walk in.

"Sebastian, come here." I say when all heads turn to me in the kitchen. He just nods and follows me wordlessly.

When he sees the way we are going in the house he begins to question what we're doing.

"We need to take out her tracker. You're going to get a doctor- preferably Elijah- and he is going to take the tracker out. I could get him to do it myself but you are the Don so..." I trail off.

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