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Song~ Light 'Em Up - Fall Out Boy

Song~ Light 'Em Up - Fall Out Boy

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A week.

It had been a week since Diovanna was attacked and was put in a coma.

She still hasn't woken up.

Elijah says her body needs time. The swelling in her brain had completely gone down and so that was fine. The stab wound was healing nicely and she got her stitches out today.

But she had to wake up on her own. It was up to her when she would wake up. Elijah said she could wake up today, tomorrow, in a year.

I could only hope she would wake soon.

So here I sit, on the couch in her hospital room. Luca is sleeping next to me, his head in my lap as his legs hang off the side of the couch.

His eyes were puffy as he had a breakdown last night. I comforted him till he fell asleep, just like he had done for me the night before as we looked at Diovanna, unmoving on the bed.

This should not have happened. If we had been more careful, if they had more guards, if- there are so many if's, but none of them matter anymore as Diovanna lays on that bed.

She has to be okay, right? She wouldn't leave me, not after we lost Rylee. She wouldn't leave me.

I have to hold onto that thought, it's what keeps me going.

The door opened and in walked Dino's Grandma and Grandpa. They were always checking in this past week. Her Grandfather hasn't came once, good.

Her cousins, aunts, and uncles were all staying here, sleeping in guest rooms or the game room, even the movie room. They all wanted to be close incase something changed.

"Any change?" Her grandma asked softly, seeing I'm the only one awake. I shook my head.

Her grandpa sighed, "she will be okay, she is a strong girl." He comforted his wife, the same way I had been comforting Luca.

"Anything on who attacked her?" I had to play along and act like I knew nothing. No way was I going to out Diovanna about being Dove.

That was her secret to tell.

Nikolaos, Atlas, and Cas had been trying to track him down. Cas was able to access the house footage, but once he left he was gone like a ghost.

Nikolaos ended up going on a killing spree, so that happened. He says he doesn't care, but we can all tell they like each other. If not as lovers then as friends.

But we all know it's the first option.

But as for now, we are all hoping for Diovanna to open her eyes.

Just to open her eyelids so we can see those beautiful Heterochromia eyes.

Diovanna's Grandma suddenly wiped her tears and turned back to me. "We will go update the others, if something changes let us know." She says sternly. I nod and she smiles before leaving.

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